New Territory

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You flaunted the anklet he gave you almost every day this week. Suzy had asked you about it multiple times, noticing you never took the thing off, only to shower. Standing in the bathroom with you she would hold it between her fingers, admiring its beauty and wealth, whilst you spoke nonsense about it as the water drenched your skin.

"There has to be a guy. Does he go to this college? Is he rich? Tell me more!".

Flicking water at her as you dried yourself clean, you muttered, "It's not a guy Suz, it's a present from my dad for doing well in English".

She could tell you were lying before you had even thought of it yourself. You were quiet when you kept secrets. This wouldn't have been your dad, Suzy knew the relationship between you two, he had never made a bold gesture like this ever before.

"Don't lie Y/N, just tell me... I won't tell anyone", she pried you for answers.

Answers you weren't planning on giving her.

"I'm not lying, it's from my dad, I swear".

Aspen came round a few hours after, pestering you about the anklet too.

"Fucking hell! I'll take it off if you want!", you yelled sarcastically, you weren't taking it off, it branded you as his.

Suzy and Aspen had their own conspiracies, none of them linking you to your professor, thank god. Winston had noticed the jewellery too, hearing it jingle as you walked around campus. He grew jealous, pushing himself on any girl that walked by, trying to catch your attention. To his surprise you weren't interested. This was the first time you had ever disobeyed him, the longest you two had been broken up. He sat and waited for you to come back. This wasn't going to happen now that you had a shiny new boy toy.

Sebastian was better in more ways you could explain. He was good for you. Treating you with respect. Buying you gifts. Always making sure you came before he did. Caring about your feelings. Just the opposite to Winston really. It was healthy.


Sebastian was late for class, you just thought he was burned out because it was his last lesson this Friday afternoon. Winston sat in his seat rolling his eyes and calling your professor. If only he was here, that would shut him up.

"Have some respect, he must have a reason for being late, if you don't like him then drop out of his class", you snapped, feeling enough of his bullshit.

He looked down at you from his seat on the back row, scowling if anything. He hated when you talked back. Not being his girlfriend meant he didn't have the power to shout back, he just gave you attitude instead.

"You're such a teachers pet Y/N, i'm surprised he's not eating your pussy with how much you gush over him every time you're in class", he laughed at his own comment, "slut".

That was it, you stood up and walked up to where he was sat. He smiled in his seat, happy he had gotten your attention for once, not caring that it was in a bad way. Before he could open his mouth to harass you again, he was shocked by the powerful slap you gave to his face.

"DON'T EVER SAY THAT TO ME AGAIN!", you screamed, tired of his sexist comments.

With that, he grabbed your arm, squeezing it with force. This time he actually did leave bruises. You were disgusted by him. The class just minded their own business, ignoring the confrontation you just had. God what is society today.

"Don't think I don't see what you're doing, flaunting yourself around college like a fucking sex doll... you know you're a slut, you just cant handle it", he said pulling a mischievous smirk.

Professor Stan -  Yes SirWhere stories live. Discover now