It Must Suck to be Y/N

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You had already made a plan for every day this week. Wake up, wash face, brush teeth, get dressed, go to classes and then spend the rest of the day in the city. Today was only the second day with this routine and you were still struggling. Yesterday was so painful but you powered through, everyday would hurt a little less, hopefully.

Since Monday, you had only seen Sebastian once, on his way home after classes. He looked flustered as if he was drowning in work, you knew full well it wasn't because of that though. You tried to wave at him but he was too concentrated on getting in his car to even notice you. It hurt.

Your alarm rung 8:00am, you dragged yourself out of bed and into the bathroom. Classes started at nine and you had English for the first time with your new professor, to say you were dreading it would be an understatement, fuck your parents for that. They even asked Winston to call them if he ever saw the two of you together, how ridiculous, he should be the one having to transfer classes and being disowned by his parents. The fact Sebastian even told them what he had done to you and the fact they didn't even bat an eyelid made you crazy. All Sebastian had done was protect and love you, yet he's the bad guy.

To Sebastian: Good morning, I hope you have a good day. We will sort this. I love you.

Yet another undelivered message, you must have sent him 10 by now, never gaining a response. You couldn't help but think you had done something wrong to upset him, but every time your mind wandered it just came straight back to your parents. He was scared, he didn't want to lose his job. You had to try and understand that but you couldn't help the fact you missed him. It wasn't over. It couldn't be.

You hauled yourself out of the warm water from your shower, and out into the cold air of your dorm bathroom. Wrapping a towel around yourself as you stood in front of the mirror, squeezing a blob of minty paste on your toothbrush. Suzy opened the door, getting undressed and getting into the shower herself. Throwing her clothes into a pile on the sodden floor, instantly regretting her action.

"How are you feeling this morning girl?", she shouted over the sound of running water from behind the shower curtain.

"The same".

"Trust me, every day gets better, as hard as that is", she shouted once more.

Suddenly her head popped around the shower curtain, curly hair drenched in conditioner. She smiled, reaching for your hand with the wetness of hers, reassuring you that she was there. You only half believed it, this would be the only time the two of you would talk today with her spending every night in Aspen's dorm.

"Why don't you go to that little bookstore you like? Get a coffee and read your favourite book? Do some self care girly!", her tone was energetic, easy for her to say she wasn't heartbroken.



When you arrived at your first lesson, you were ten minutes early. Luckily there weren't many people in the classroom so you were able to grab a seat at the back. The clock hit nine and people began flooding in, plenty of seats filled up and you felt like the odd one out. Everyone was in groups of friends, laughing and giggling about what they did last night.

"Hey, uh.. your sat in my seat", you heard a raspy male voice mumble.

Turning your head up to see who it was, you were faced with a boy your age. If this life was a story he would be written by a woman. He had a beige beanie over his brown curly hair and was wearing a baggy t-shirt, jeans and a pair of checkered vans. His outfit screamed skater boy, but he seemed so sweet, so you moved over to the next seat over.

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