Baby I'm Yours

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You burst through the door with excitement, running around the corner to see Sebastian and Chris sitting at his expensive oak kitchen table. Both had serious faces, you only thought of the worst, overthinking again. After briskly saying 'Hi', they both turned to face you with a smile. See nothing to worry about, you mumbled in your head.

"Good afternoon Y/N, how are you?", Chris asked as he stood up, reaching out his hand to shake yours, very business-man of him.

You grasped hold politely, "I'm good, you?".

"Stressed but i'm working through it as per usual", he let go, pointing to the chair next to Sebastian, "Please, take a seat".

You looked at Sebastian with confusion as you sat down, he pulled the same expression right back at you. The sort of expression that insinuated he had no idea what Chris was going to say either. Both with a lack of certainty, unsure and nervous to say the least.

Chris excused himself for a moment, walking into his office to grab his briefcase. When he returned, he was pulling out a file, little coloured post-it notes sticking out of the wad of paper. He began flipping through the pages, taking out important things and laying them on the table in front of him. You tried to read, all you could make out was a list of names, names for colleges in New York. I mean there were only 4, two of them being private including yours. This definitely looked like good news, exactly what Sebastian had thought, Chris had been researching for him.

"So i've been trying to get in contact with some of the colleges in New York, hoping they would have some vacancies available in your department, Sebastian", he licked his finger and flipped the page of one of the wads, "It was hard to be honest, most are at full capacity of staff, but I managed to find one willing to interview you".

"Oh wow thats amaz-", Sebastian began to say before being cut off by Chris.

"Hold on. Now I had to do a lot of research prior to contacting them, looking at their policies and what they look for when hiring. I needed to see if your situation would be important when interviewing you", he looked Sebastian dead in the eye, "You haven't made this easy for yourself, but I respect your decision to no longer teach at her college. However, the college I found is known for being lenient with its staff, not bothering with a background check unless the individual has a criminal record, something you don't have".

 However, the college I found is known for being lenient with its staff, not bothering with a background check unless the individual has a criminal record, something you don't have"

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"Sebastian... you are going to have to be completely honest with them in this interview, telling them everything about you and Y/N. I spoke to Anthony about this and he said as long as you were honest and made it very clear that it wasn't your intention to be inappropriate with a student, they may also respect your decision to leave Manhattan college as a personal choice".

Anthony was a lawyer, one of the best, hence why he could afford the apartment two floors down from Chris. You and Sebastian admired them both for helping you out, this whole process would have been a lot harder if you had to do this alone. Like Chris said, colleges were very picky and were rarely accepting applications for new members of staff. You remembered Sebastian once telling you how he got his job at your college, it was a long process and he almost didn't get the job.

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