Mother Dearest

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Two weeks had rolled by faster than you'd thought. Quick intimacy with your professor in his office before class, risky texts and so much homework! You hadn't seen Sebastian as much as you had liked, you wished it wasn't a secret sometimes. But then again nothing was official yet, you were still just casually hooking up.

The more you saw him though, the more you wished you could be his. Him being a teacher being the hardest part, oh and the fact he's 20 years older than you. Feelings were mutual, but you hadn't spoken all that much about it with one another.

Sebastian thought about you every minute of every day. As did you for him. But he just wanted you, not always in a sexual way, but emotionally too. You being his student made it so difficult, he didn't know how to approach you about how he felt. How he wanted to learn more about you. How he wanted to hold you like you were his girl.

This week was parent-teacher conference week. The both of you were extremely nervous. Sebastian was about to meet your parents and you hadn't even been on a real date yet. You were more worried about them finding out though. Wondering if you gave off a 'we have casual sex' vibe.

To be honest, you would be quite shocked if they even showed up to this thing. Caring so little about you compared to your sister. But then again, they expected you to be achieving good grades. They didn't have to worry about that though, for English at least. Professor Stan was handling that very well.

From Sebastian: Hey have you heard anything from your mom and dad? If they are coming tonight.

To Sebastian: Not heard anything yet

To Sebastian: They might not come... let's just wait and see.

You couldn't help but feel a little nervous. You hadn't told Sebastian much about your parents. Just that you had issues and that you were happier away from them. He kind of put the pieces together, reading your file on the school system, seeing that your tuition was paid in full by your father. He wondered why you didn't flaunt your money, why you didn't wear designer and act all stuck up. Little did he know you didn't have any money really, not caring though. Growing up you were used to the favouritism over your sister. She got all the coolest toys and you just got the hand-me-downs. In high school they didn't even lay you have your own debit card, it was only up until this summer did they allow you to start spending your own money. You chose thrift shops over designer any day. Teaching yourself that money doesn't grow on trees.

Being a college professor meant that Sebastian was quite well off, earning twice your tuition in 2 months. He was head of department too, creating a hefty six figure bank account. He was the opposite of you, he spent his money wisely but reached towards designer over thrift. Every day he would wear his Dolce & Gabanna suit, joined by his Prada shoes and briefcase. Only on the weekend would he dress down, optioning for something more comfy.


The day completely dragged, feeling anxious in case your parents did or didn't show up. Scenarios ran through your scrawny little head. What if they are rude to him? What if they don't like him? What if they find out we had sex? You brushed your mind clean of the negative thoughts. Trying to think positive. Thinking of Sebastian. How he made you feel. How you missed him. You wanted to spend every waking hour with him.

From Dad: Got some email about your parent teacher conference. Too busy at work today. Your mother's going to come on her own instead.

You didn't even reply, out of sheer pity for the man. You hated him with every bone in your body, glad Sebastian didn't have to meet the bastard. You and you mother were a little closer, but still very unalike. She still favouritised your sister as always. If this was her parent-teacher conference, you knew damn well they would both be stood by her side, engrossed in every subject she took.

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