A+ Material

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Your day had run pretty slow, it was only 11am and you still had all afternoon filled with classes. Sebastians class was approaching and you absolutely dreaded it. He had mentioned that he would be giving everyones tests back today, you couldn't help but worry about what grade you might get.

Walking into the classroom everyone was already seated and Sebastian was stood at the front flicking though a bunch of papers on his desk. You smiled but he didn't smile back to you, bad sign, you thought. He was never like this with you unless you were in an argument or you had done something wrong.

"Tests have been marked, i'm quite shocked to say the least but I will have private conversations with those who didn't do well", he announced as he walked around the hall giving everyone their papers back.

You noticed a few people sighing and putting their hands on their heads, pissed off with the grade they got. Dreading yours, Sebastian reached your desk, looking annoyed.

"I thought you would have done better", he whispered, walking away with an instant.

Looking down at your paper, on the front, in bold red marker, C-.

Fuck, you thought, I knew this would happen. Next to your grade lay a note, "I'm really disappointed Y/N". Not once had he ever been disappointed in you, your heart sunk at the thought. You were usually a straight A student when it came to his class, no wonder he was pissed off with you.

You have been distracted to say the least, parties, homework, and spending weekends with Sebastian. It was easy to let the thought of studying pass your mind. No doubt would your parents be pissed off at this, they expected nothing lower than a B.

With finals just a round the corner, you knew it was time to get your head down, you couldn't fail them.

"So, as many of you struggled with this test, I have decided to set up a study group", he said pacing up and down the front of the classroom, "It will be completely optional but I expect as many as possible to join".

He lay a slab of paper at the front of the room, so that when people left, they could sign their name to say they wanted to join.

The class dragged on, your mind was crammed with stress and worry. Planning your study schedule for the next few weeks, so that you couldn't disappoint Sebastian by failing your finals. Class was dismissed and you were the first to put your name on the list, then leaving shortly after.


You went to grab some lunch from a coffee shop just outside of campus, then coming back to see if you could steal a moment of Sebastians time whilst he was on lunch too. Holding the two coffees in your hands, you headed down to his office to where you thought he would most likely be.

You knocked on the door. "Who is it?", his shout was muffled in a polite tone.

"Just me", you said curving around the door, then closing it behind you. His expression instantly dropped, you wondered why he was so pissed off with you.

Walking towards his desk, you sat in the seat opposite him. Placing his coffee in front of him then taking a sip of yours. Twirling your hair in between your fingers. He rolled his eyes and got up, walking towards the bookshelf.

"What is your problem? Yeah I didn't do as well as I thought but i've been spending all my free time with you", you leant back in your seat, "it's not my problem you didn't remind me".

He froze in his track, turning his head to the side, looking at you out the corner of his eye, "you're my student Y/N, you get the same treatment as everyone else, I cannot give you any advantages".

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