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A few weeks had passed, rumours were sparking around college over who that mystery girl Professor Stan was with, the photos from the party had been released but thank god your bag covered your face.  Halloween was approaching, this Thursday to be exact. The college was closed Friday for staff meetings, so you and your friends were ready to party hardcore. 

Halloween had always been your favourite holiday, it was the best time of year. You and Suzy would get dressed up in the sluttiest costume you had ever seen and Aspen would be the designated driver for the night, letting the two of you have your fun. 

You didn't really like Christmas or Thanksgiving, it was a reminder of the meaning of family. Something you didn't particularly have. You would end up being left alone, ignored or compared to your sister. Halloween had no ties to family, and you enjoyed spending it with friends.

Suzy stormed into your dorm, followed by Aspen. They were quite a pair, spending basically everyday with each other since they came out as a couple.

"Have you heard about the event at 'CJ's'? Everyone is talking about it!", she said gushing over some club you had never been to.

The club was top priority, it was known for where all the cool celebrities went to. Almost impossible to get in.

You shook your head.

"They are doing this Halloween bash thingy, it's supposed to be the party of the year! Everyone has to wear costume and they even have a few bands playing!".

"Sounds amazing Suze... one thing though? How the hell are we getting in?", you questioned.

"I have no idea, i'll ask around to see if anyone can get us tickets", she perched herself at the end of the bed, "this is our first Halloween in college, we have to make it a big deal!"

You threw yourself back onto your pillow, knowing full well you weren't getting into the place, as amazing as it sounded. You were planning on spending Halloween with Sebastian anyway, watching horror films in his apartment. But this did sound much more fun.

"Okay, if we can get tickets i'll come".

Suzy jumped on top of you, throwing her arms around, drowning you in her strong perfume, "Yay! Thank you ,thank you, thank you!".


You were spending the night at Sebastian's, the both of you were watching a film on the couch. His arm was around you, candles were lit, the cool autumn breeze filling the apartment, it was extremely cosy. You were in your element.

"What's up with you, you've been quiet since the minute I picked you up?", he asked pausing the film, looking down at your puppy eyed face.

"It's just I don't want to let you down".

"Let me down with what doll?"

"Theres this club in the city which is having this Halloween bash thingy.. Suzy really wants me to come seen as Halloween is kinda our thing", you sighed, "but it doesn't matter we will never get in".

Sebastian pulled you onto his lap, being careful not to hurt you, stroking his fingers through your long locks of hair.

"What club?"

"CJ's", you pulled up their Instagram account on your phone, showing him the advertisement and how you had to get tickets.

There was a big red stamp on the next post, 'SOLD OUT'. Your heart dropped a little, knowing how much Suzy wanted to go, and how excited she was. No wonder it was sold out though, probably reserved by A-List celebs and their friends.

Professor Stan -  Yes SirWhere stories live. Discover now