There are so many "Chances and choices" we make and have to make in our lives whether it may be right or wrong at times what's really matter is that we took the risk and had taken the "Chances and choices" to make things right again;Evethough we know it might hurt us in the end.
"Chances and choices",you are my choice and my once in lifetime chance to meet someone like you,it may not feel right right now, But this my chance and choice to make things right again to ease and help you heal the pain, I've caused you and help you make your heart whole again.
As we take our "Chance to rebuild the friendship that we had before and choose protect and keep it safe as it becomes stronger than ever before.
So those are the "Chances and choices" we shouldn't be afraid to take;Especially it when comes to something worth believing in which is God and the Friendship that he gave to us.