Sometimes a Bedtime story,before he turns on my Baby Mickey,and Minnie Mouse night light,a kiss on my forehead,as he pulled my blanket over me,and as he leaves, I would say "Night-night,Daddy",and he'd say back "Night-night,Baby."Sometimes, I'd sleep with him,and Mommy,then, I'd rest my head on his arm, But he didn't mind, But there's something he did mind about my bedtime routine,my thumb sucking,and my old pillow,and he'd pretends to be mad, But still let me lay with night,and washes it with dirty clothes,so, I still lay with it when, I sleep at night.
But now the ONLY thing, I can do now is wish that, I could hear "Night-night,Daddy",and he'd say back "Night-night,Baby" 1 more time again, But now it's just 1 of my "Bedtime memories" with my Daddy that will stay in this "Daddy's Girl" heart,and mind.