"Unsure spark?."

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I felt something the first time, I saw your picture o FB it made me smile,and made my heart skip a beat again after sometime, I held on to the chance that this might finally be my chance to find a new friend,and eventually might fall in love?.

And felt for a time when, I finally met you yesterday, But as, I was talking to you the giddiness in my heart suddenly died down?.

When Baby Sisters/Best friends asked about you after you already left;The giddiness in my heart came back,and that "Unsure spark" came back to my heart too.

Then last night, I felt unsure,and started thinking about you.

And now as, I'm writing this poem,and listening to my song for you that "Unsure spark?" Is back, I want to be sure of what, I feel, Because, I don't want to get hurt again.

My PoemsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon