Epilogue III | Fate

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"That's it for today. Don't forget to hand in your rough drafts by the end of the week. Have a good day."

The sound of papers and chairs moving mixed together as students thanked him for the class before leaving.

Kim Namjoon, Mr. Kim to his students, has finally become a teacher. He graduated university with high honors, so much that many schools have asked him if he wanted to teach or become the president.

He declined, wanting to teach at the school he grew up in. It's quiet strange how much a place can change in the years he was gone.

"Hey, Joon. Sana and I are going to grab a bite after school. Want to join us?" He looked up to the music teacher.

"Thanks, Chan, but I think I'll decline."

Chan sighs, but nods, "Alright. Take care. See you tomorrow."

Once the door closed, the room was filled with silence. He looked to where he used to sit in this room with a sad smile.

So much has happened here. So much has been left behind here.

"Mr. Kim?" He heard, looking to the door. A kid with braces poked his head in.

"What is it, Mr. Yang?"

"I'm really confused about this sentence and was hoping you could help me?"

Yang Jeongin was a kind kid, was friends with a group called Stray Kids. They reminded him of the group of friends he used to have.

He helped Jeongin and after, he was tired. He decided to head to the grocery store before he went home, knowing he was running low on some stuff.

With a heavy sigh, he walked to the spices, glancing over them before knocking into someone.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sor-" Namjoon froze.



What twisted fate was this? There was no way he ran into Jin in the same aisle they met all those years ago.

"We really have a knack for bumping into each other." Jin smiled.

Namjoon didn't understand how, after all these years, Jin still looked the same. He looked so young.

"Don't tell me, your cooking chicken and need recommendations."

Namjoon chuckled, "No, I was just getting some supplies."

Jin chuckled in return, "It's... really great to see you. I mean, it's been... what? 7 years? You don't look a day over twenty."

"Same goes to you, you don't look like you aged one bit."

"Yeesh, tell that to the gray hairs I dye."

The two laugh, finding comfort in the moment. "Well, I gotta go get these to my cafe. It was... really nice to see you again." Jin gave him a small smile and waive before turning to check out.

His chest felt the strange feelings he felt so long ago, begging to be released after so long.

"Hey, wait!" He called, making Jin turn to him.

"Wanna grab a coffee at Dunkin Donuts?"

A/N: the long awaited Namjin story!! Idk I felt motivated to write this. Sorry it was so short lol. Happy 3 year anniversary to my book. (Might go through this story and edit a few things.)

Thank you

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