11 | Being Sick

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Warnings: This chapter contains sickness. XP

Yoongi woke up feeling like shit. His head was pounding, his throat was sore and his stomach felt just awful. He grasped his head with his hand as he tried to get out of his bed.

He had a group project he had to hand in with Jimin today, and Yoongi had most of their work since he took it from Jimin when he was sick.

The bastard got him sick! Yoongi grunted to himself as he walked to his bedroom door in a very shaky line. No matter what he did though, he couldn't get that Friday out of his head.

How the orange haired boy looked so cute when he answered the door, or how his eyes turned to crescent moons when he smiled. Just thinking about that smile, through his sickness, he found his lip curling up into a smile.

He quickly stopped his head. No! He needs to get him out of his brain! Feeling his stomach lurch, he got the strength to get to his bathroom and throw up. Gripping the toilet for stability as he retched.

His mother found him hunched over the toilet and ordered Yoongi to bed after he flushed the toilet.

"But mom-" Yoongi tried to say. He had to give his stuff to Jimin.

"No buts! I'm calling the school right now!" And soon Yoongi walked back to his room. It was a boring day but at least Yoongi got to sleep more.

He felt his phone buzz.

Jimin - Hey! I saw you weren't at school today. The teacher said it was ok if we'd hand in our stuff tomorrow right when we get there. I hope your feeling ok?

Yoongi smiled at the text, feeling a slight flutter in his stomach underneath the sickly mess. He quickly snapped back when he felt another buzz.

Jimin - Can I come to your house to get the stuff?

Yoongi - Yeah, I'm fine. Just come by, my mom can give you the stuff.

Yoongi gave the stuff Jimin needed to his mom as he laid in his bed burying himself in the sheets. Another buzz.

Jimin - Hey, can you text me your address? I'm not sure where you live.

Yoongi laughed a bit at this,

Yoongi- Isn't my stop right after you?

He was hoping that wasn't too harsh.

Jimin - Yeah, but it's not like I pay attention to how the bus gets there!

Another laugh escaped his mouth and he texted his address. About to fall asleep again, he felt another buzz.

Jungkook - Yoongi! I'm so nervous! HELP!!

Yoongi was a bit confused so he replied,

Yoongi - Woah, woah! What's going on? Explain what happened.

Jungkook - Well, I met this person online as I was playing a game, and he gave me his snapchat. I entered it incorrectly and connected with another dude.

Yoongi - Wow, that's embarrassing....

Jungkook - Hyung! The best part of it though is this guy's really awesome! Like amazing!

Yoongi - What, do you like him or something?

Jungkook - WHAT? No no no! I'm just nervous because this dude goes to the same school as we do.... WHAT DO I DOOOOO?

Yoongi - Play it cool? I mean, you didn't send any photos of you yet, right?

Jungkook - No, not yet.

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