16 | Save Me

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Warning: This chapter is going to be violent with mentions of bullying and blood. If you are uncomfortable with these subjects I advise you to wait until next chapter. Thank you, and enjoy.

It was a pretty dreary day for Jungkook as he walked into the school from the bus. Over the last few days, he started to open up around Taehyung in their Snapchat as both learned a lot about the other.

In a way, it made Taehyung softer, leaving a little breathing room since he finally wasn't getting bullied.

Well, that was until today after classes were done. Jungkook and Taehyung both agreed to talk face-to-face at the Dunkin Donuts near the school so he was going to walk there.

"Well look who we got here." He then heard as he saw one of Taehyung's friends starting to walk towards him.

Fear struck him as he slammed his locker closed and tried to fast walk out but was grabbed by the wrist.

"Not so fast, you punk." And with force he pushed him against the locker, pinning him by his shoulders.

Jungkook couldn't move, his legs seemed to freeze. "What do you want with me?" He found himself asking.

The senior looked pissed, "You know damn well why I'm here. What have you done to Taehyung?" He forcefully asked, putting pressure on his shoulders.

"N-nothing!" Jungkook defended. He just wanted to get out and run.

"You fuckin liar!" He kneed him on the stomach, making him double over with the pain and then the senior grabbed his hair and threw Jungkook against the ground, his skin slapping the ceramic floor as he hissed at the pain. Jungkook tried to get up to try and run, but before he knew it the senior blew his fist across Jungkook's face, the force driving him towards the floor.

"You're an asshole!" He yelled as he got on top of him, throwing another at his eye. "Fucking die already you piece of shit." He pinned Jungkook down, grasping his hair and forced his head against the floor.

All Jungkook wanted was death. His body was sore all over, more so his face. Tears fell down his pained face hitting the cold floor beneath him as he tasted blood from his freshly cut lip.

"What the hell?!" He then heard.

"T-Tae-?" He heard the senior say.

"What the fuck are you doing?! Get the fuck off him." Taehyung said aggressively.

"What the hell do you see in this punk?!" The senior asked, pulling up Jungkook's head by tugging his hair.

That's when Jungkook could see everything. Especially the look on Taehyung's face. It looked like a mixture of a few emotions; he looked shocked, hurt, worried and apologetic.

Then his face turned to anger, "Let him go, Hoseok." He demanded.

The boy, Hoseok, gripped his hair more. "A-ah" Jungkook cried feeling like his hair would be pulled out of his scalp.

"Answer me, Taehyung!" He then shook Jungkook, "What do you see in him?"

Taehyung looked to Jungkook and his face softened, "I like him." Between all the agony he was in, Jungkook felt his stomach explode with millions of butterflies. He didn't know why, but he was happy to hear that.

Hoseok clicked his tongue, "Whatever." And with that, he pushed Jungkook's head down once more, Jungkook hissed as his head hit the floor once more.

He felt the senior's weight get off of him as he walked past Taehyung and then pushed him a bit before leaving with a "You disgust me."

Once he was gone, Taehyung rushed to Jungkook helping him sit up. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that." Taehyung said, running his thumb under Jungkook's lip, wiping a trail of blood off him.

He smiled sweetly at him, making Jungkook's stomach exploded with more butterflies while his heart beated even faster. Taking Taehyung's hand, he tried to get up but winced as his stomach cramped. He clutched his stomach as he doubled over with the huge discomfort.

"Climb on, I'll get you to my place." Taehyung then said, bending down to him, his back facing him.

Jungkook smiled at how nice Taehyung was being. He put his bag on his back and climbed on. Taehyung jumped up, putting his hands on Jungkook's thighs and started walking. Jungkook's body felt like electric. His face was flushed as his heart raced a mile a minute.

To hide his flushed face, he burrowed his face in the nape of Taehyung's neck as the two made it to Taehyung's house. He couldn't help but smile and say two words as he let his tears fall; "Thank you..."

A/N: Heeey!! I hope this wasn't too bad. I'm not very good at intense senses. I hope you enjoyed XP I know it's not the best. I'll be posting the next chapter right after this, so yay! Thank you!

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