23 | Odd Feelings

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A/N: Hey I just wanted to state this is an AU. I have nothing against Hobi or Jackson or any other bully in this story. I just used their names to use their names... I'm not saying they are like this irl. Just wanted to say. Enjoy~

Namjoon sighed as he closed the fridge. 'Nothing to eat.' He thought as he grabbed his car keys to drive to the store.

"Mom, I'm going out to buy some food!" He called as he went to the door.  His mom shout an ok and he took off.

Going thru the aisles, he decided on chicken as he got the raw meat. He was being daring as he wanted to spice up the meat so he head to the seasonings.

Namjoon really wasn't a cook, so he didn't know exactly what spice would go with chicken. Looking thru all the spices, he knocked into someone. He really should look where he was going...

With the force of the two people colliding, the person dropped whatever spice they were holding.

"Oops,  sorry." Namjoon apologized, bending down to grab the bottle accidentally bumping heads with the person.

"Ow." The person stated as the two stood up, rubbing their heads. Namjoon was shocked to see who he bumped into.

It was a male, probably his age or a year older, who was about an inch taller. He sported a loose pink hoodie, blue jeans, and white shoes. His faded pink hair matched his hoodie well.

"Sorry again." Namjoon apologized.

The other smiled, making a strange tingling sensation in his stomach. "No, you're fine."

The boy's voice even sparked more fluttering in his stomach.  What the hell was wrong with him? The boy picks up the dropped spice and looks at Namjoon with a kind smile.

"What are you making?" He asked, taking another spice from the rack to put in his basket. Judging by the stack of spices, this guy must be a cook.

"Was planning on chicken.  Have any recommendations?" Namjoon asked, feeling nervous. He had no clue why since he never felt nervous in front of people.

"Hm..." The guy thought,  then took one of the spices, "Here, this should be fine. Rub it in before you cook it for better taste."

Namjoon nodded his head, taking the spice out of the guy's hand. "Thank you... uh?" He said, not knowing the guy's name.

The older smiled yet again, "Kim Seokjin. But you may call me Jin."

Namjoon smiled, feeling his heart flutter, "Kim Namjoon.  Nice to meet you." The two smiled at each other and Jin kept adding things to his basket.

Something in his chest made him hopeful; Namjoon wanted to know more about Jin. "So, Jin. You new around here? I've never seen you before. "

Jin grabs his basket with two hands "Yeah I'm a freshman at the college nearby."

"Oh, that's cool. What are you studying?"

Jin starts to walk down the aisle and Namjoon follows to continue the conversation,  "Culinary Arts." Jin says with a smile.

God, Jin's smiles just make Namjoon want to smile. "That's cool." Namjoon said.

"What about you?" Jin then asks, stopping at the end of the aisle to look at him.

"Oh, I'm a senior in High School." Namjoon then said.

"Ah, I see. Good luck with your studies."

Namjoon smiled, "Same goes to you."

The two were silent once more until Jin broke the ice, "Well, I guess I'll be seeing you around?"

"Yeah." Jin started to leave, but Namjoon felt like he needed to see this guy again. It was a strange feeling, but he decided to listen to his body and go for it.

"Jin?" He called, making the older turn to him. "You...maybe want to go for some coffee this weekend?" His stomach was flipping, making him feel more nervous.

Jin smiled brightly. Oh god, get Namjoon's tombstone ready. Jin's smile was going to be the death of him... "I'd really like that, Namjoon."

His heart started to beat fast as he felt happy, "Cool, maybe the Dunkin Donuts at 1 on Saturday?"

"Sounds like a deal." Jin said as the two nervously said their goodbyes and Namjoon went to pay for the stuff.

He went home and cooking the chicken how Jin said and was very happy with the result. Then the next day he went to school, but couldn't seem to focus on class. His mind was always on Jin. How cute he looked in the hoodie that was maybe a size too big to make him look adorable...His breathtaking smile...

"Namjoon?" He heard, breaking him out of his trance.

"Hm?" He hummed looking over to Taehyung.

He smiled, "You alright? You've been out of it the whole day."

Namjoon smiled back, his brain picturing Jin once again. "Yeah, sorry. I've just been thinking."

"Thinking about what?" Jungkook laughed as he finished his pizza.

"N-nothing." Namjoon quickly said.

"It's obviously something." Jimin said across the table.

"Yeah, what's up man?" Taehyung laughed. "Did something happen yesterday or something?"

"I went to the store." Namjoon said, still feeling heat at his cheeks.

"And, what else?" Jungkook said, sitting up in his seat. Everyone's eyes were on Namjoon wanting more information.

"Well...I bumped into someone." he said sheepishly.

"Oooooh" Taehyung cooed, "What happened?!" Taehyung was basically jumping out of his seat in excitement.

Namjoon couldn't help but laugh at his friend's excitement. "Well, he helped me choosing a seasoning for chicken."

"Oooh, it's a he?" Taehyung cooed once more.

"Come on, hyung! Tell us the juicy details!" Jungkook said, sharing the same enthusiasm as Taehyung with sparkles in their eyes.

Namjoon smiled, "Not much. Jeeze you guys act like I kissed the guy!"

"Yet! Don't jinx it!" Taehyung smiled. Namjoon blushed at the thought of kissing Jin... Why wasn't he thinking this was awkward?

"Guys, I'm straight." Namjoon said, "I just asked to meet him this weekend."

"You're straight, but you basically asked him on a date?" Jimin said, his one eyebrow raised skeptically.

"It's not a date!" Namjoon basically yelled, feeling flustered.

"Riiiiiight." Taehyung said, obviously not agreeing.

Namjoon facepalmed, "You guys are hopeless. Remind me again why I'm your friend?"

"Hey!" Taehyung jokingly pushed Namjoon. "You know you love me."

Namjoon couldn't help but roll his eyes at Taehyung but found himself believing him. He couldn't help but feel excited about his meeting with Jin.

A/N: Hey~ So we finally get a Namjoon chapter. Whoo~ Don't worry...I'll be getting back to Yoonmin soon! I'm thinking one more chapter and then I'll continue on with the main plot. I'm happy to see some of you guys commenting and voting on this story! It seriously means a lot! Thank you :)

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