22 | New School Life

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Warnings: This chapter contains bullying, name-calling and swearing. If you are uncomfortable with these topics please wait until the next chapter. Thank you.

Taehyung and Jungkook met at Taehyung's locker before school started. The younger was blushing a bit as he waited for Taehyung to gather his stuff.

He couldn't help but smile at the younger, feeling a light blush on his cheeks as he closed his locker. Jungkook looked adorable when he blushed.

"Do I have anything on my face?" Taehyung nervously asked as the two started walking.

Jungkook smiled and shook his head, "Nope! Just admiring a beautiful face."

Taehyung's cheeks heated up as he didn't know what to say. He wasn't used to these comments, little jesters, small interactions.  For him, this was all new.

So was lunch time when he walked over to his usual table. They all grew silent and stared at Taehyung like he was a ghost.

Hoseok glared at Taehyung,  "Don't you have a boyfriend to sit with?"

Taehyung was honestly hurt by hearing those words. It was almost as if Hoseok spat fire as he said boyfriend.

"Go suck a dick, faggot." He then heard Jackson laugh, and Taehyung bit the inside of his cheek as he turned to see Yoongi, Jimin, and Jungkook sitting at another table.

This was his new life, sitting at the outcasts table. He was happy to be dating Jungkook, but hurt over how his friends didn't support him being happy.

He sighed, setting his tray down next to his boyfriend.  Jungkook looked over at him worriedly.  "You okay?" He asked, running his hand up Taehyung's arm to rest on his shoulder.

Taehyung sighed again at this and gave him a weak smile. "Just have to get used to this..."

Jungkook gave him a sad smile in understanding, it must be hard to go from being top dog to small ant.

Taehyung noticed both Yoongi and Jimin stealing glances at the other while eating. He smiled at their cluelessness. It was obvious the two liked each other. He then looked over to check on Jungkook to see him staring at him.

Jungkook's eyes widened as he quickly looked down at his food. Taehyung laughed at himself at how cute he was. Somehow, just sitting at this table, Taehyung found himself happier than ever.

That was until after lunch. The group walked up the stairs to their next class. It was the time that Taehyung regretted the most back then. Hoseok caught up to the group and nudged Taehyung into Jungkook, forcing the two to drop their stuff.

Students went around the mess and laughed. Being laughed at was a totally new feeling as Taehyung bit back the tears that wanted to fall.

This was how it felt? Useless,  hopeless, a wasted space... Now Taehyung fully understood the other side and he hated himself for doing this to Yoongi and Jungkook. He wasn't even sure why he did it. Yoongi was actually a cool guy and Jungkook... well, there was a lot to say about him.

Later before the bus, Jackson pushed him in the locker and smiled at him, "Serves you right, dick. You blackmail your boyfriend into liking you?"

"Oh shut it, Jackson. " Taehyung found himself spitting to his friend. He was angry and pissed.

He really shouldn't have talked back as he got a backhanded slap across the face. "You fucking dick. You're just a fucking waste of space."

Taehyung raged with anger,  "Fuck you, Jackson! Why do you hate me so much, you prick? You're just scared of being in my place!" Taehyung pushed Jackson.

That pushed Jackson over the edge as he picked Taehyung up by the collar, "Fuck you, Taehyung!"

"That's enough, Jackson." The two heard. Jackson let go of Taehyung as the two looked at Namjoon. He looked absolutely pissed.

"But Namj-" Jackson tried to reason with the tall boy, but the blonde put up his hand to stop him.

He walked towards the two. Taehyung was relieved that he got Jackson to stop, but the guy was so intimidating when angry.

"I think we had enough of this. Unless you want me to get you in trouble again. You know for a fact, your parents will hear of you getting detention for the second time this week."

Jackson was speechless as he opened his mouth to say something but quickly shut it, biting his bottom lip. "Why are you on his side?" Jackson then asked.

Namjoon chuckled, putting a hand on Taehyung's shoulder, "Because this kid realized how fake his life was and is doing things to make himself happier."

Hearing this made Taehyung happy since it was true. A few weeks ago he was in Jackson's shoes. It was a fake Taehyung...and he hated every second of school.

But now, he has a liking towards it as he has real friends who want him to be happy and he has an amazing boyfriend on top of it all.

Jackson tsked turning harshly to leave, "Whatever..." He muttered.

Once gone, Namjoon looked to Taehyung with a soft face, "Sorry I wasn't here sooner."

Taehyung quickly shook his head,  "No, it's fine. Thank you... It feels nice to know one of my friends still likes me."

To this, Namjoon laughed, "Well, Jimin still likes you." The two started walking out of the school. The busses were long gone so he was going to walk home.

"Jimin's different.  He wasn't with me since middle school. " Taehyung said sadly.

"True. Want a ride home?" Namjoon asked as they got to the parking lot.

"Sure." Taehyung shrugged as he sat in the car.

"Can I ask you a question?" Namjoon asked as he started driving.

"You just did." Taehyung laughed.

Namjoon lightly punched his arm, "No, seriously."

"Sure, what's up?"

"Are you actually dating that Jungkook kid?"

Taehyung froze for a second,  not sure if he really should say something. But, he trusted Namjoon.  He had to after what just happened.  "Y-yeah... we are dating."

Namjoon smiled, "And are you happy?"

Taehyung thought...was he? It stank that his so-called friends hated him but he did find himself happier.

He wasn't lying anymore. He was happy being with Jungkook. Jungkook made him want to be better, try and replace all his bad deeds in the past. He smiled, thinking of the cute boy,  "Yeah...Yeah, I am."

"Good. As long as you're happy, I'll support you." Namjoon pulled into Taehyung's driveway.

"Namjoon?" Taehyung said.

"Hm?" He hummed, putting the car in park.

"Why...are you being nice to me?" Taehyung nervously asked. All his other friends hated him, but not Namjoon.

The blonde thought for a minute, "I guess you make me want to be a better me. I'm so sick of hiding behind this mask."

Taehyung nodded, understanding the feeling and then smiled,  "It's a struggle...but let's work hard on becoming our true selves." As a closing, he put out a fist which Namjoon fist bumped with a laugh.

"Sounds like a plan. See you tomorrow." Taehyung unbuckled and got out of the car with his bag.

"Sounds good. You're free to join us outcasts at lunch if you want." He smiled to Namjoon as he leaned against the car door.

The blonde smiled to Taehyung,  "Thanks, I'll take you up on that offer."

And so he did. Namjoon was officially added to their table of outcasts and Taehyung wouldn't have it any other way.

A/N: Hey! I hope this story isn't going too fast. I'm working on the next chapter at the moment but I'm wondering if you guys want me to update you on information on each of the main characters? Like age, grade, and looks? Up to you guys since I don't care either way. Whatever helps you guys with reading this story!!

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