19 | Please Wake Up

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A/N: Hey! Just wanted to warn you this chapter is going to be a bit depressing and have a huge hospital scene, but will have no mentions of blood. This chapter is also in Jimin's point of view. Thanks, and enjoy!

Energy was fully drained from Jimin as he sat motionless, staring at the lifeless being in the hospital bed, hearing the heart monitor beeping in the background.

His tears dried up as Jimin just didn't have any tears left. The door to the room opened having Taehyung and Jungkook walk in. Taehyung handed him a glass of water, but he didn't have the energy to grab it, so he set it down on the table.

The group was just silent, unsure what to say. What can you say? The group sighed together.

"Why don't we go eat something? We can come tomorrow." Taehyung then suggested. No response. Jimin wanted to stay. He promised Yoongi that he wouldn't leave him. He didn't want to go back on another promise.

"Come on, Jimin. You heard the doctor...he won't wake up until Monday." Taehyung said.

Jimin sighed, since what he said was true. "I...just want to be here for him." Jimin said.

"Jimin...he'll be fine. The staff will watch him." Taehyung pulled Jimin up from his chair and basically dragged him to the car.

The day went by in silence and he slept over at Taehyung's place for the night. The next morning, he was woken by his phone ringing.

"Hello?" He hoarsely answered, his voice box still not recovered by yesterday's emotions.

"Jimin, it's Yoongi's mom." She was crying on the other end as she explained that she couldn't book a flight back until Tuesday. "Just, tell me when he wakes up, please?" She asked thru her tears.

Jimin felt bad for her. At least she was trying her best to be there for her kid. She works a lot to make just enough money to put food on the table and a roof over Yoongi's head.

"I can do that Mrs. Min." He said.

"And, Jimin?" She then said before hung up.

"Yeah?" He said.

"I'm going to divorce that man." She said sternly.

It made Jimin a bit happier to hear that Yoongi's dad would finally be out of the mix, but decided that he wouldn't tell Yoongi for he felt that his mom should share that news.

He said goodbye as he got ready to stop by the hospital. After the quiet visit, Taehyung drove Jimin back to his own house.

A question formed in his head as he noticed Jungkook and Taehyung being pretty close. "Hey, Tae?" He asked after a while.

"Hm?" He hummed as he continued driving.

"What's the story between you and Jungkook?"

Taehyung smiled at that question, "Oh, yeah." He laughed, "Well, he's my boyfriend."

This shocked Jimin. A month or so ago, Taehyung was bullying the kid and now they're dating?! "What?!" Was all he could ask.

His best friend giggled, "Remember that guy I was talking to on Snapchat?" He asked.

It clicked in, "No way..." Jimin said, in shock.

"Yes way! Jungkook showed me the error of my ways and really helped me want to become a better person."

Jimin was really happy to hear this, "I'm glad to hear that." But as he said that, he felt his heart tighten. Was he jealous? Jimin really wasn't sure but still found himself soon sleeping in his bed.

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