10 | Absence

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Jimin trudges to the bus, feeling all his energy was gone. What could he do? It was a Monday! Getting on the bus, he goes to sit with Taehyung to notice him smiling down at his phone.

The blonde looks up, making room for Jimin. "Hey Jiminie!" he smiled.

Jimin looked at him confused, "Why are you so happy on this Monday morning?"

Taehyung's smile grew bigger, "I've recently gotten onto Snapchat and I found this really cool dude on it. We met apparently because my username was close to his friend's." He showed Jimin his phone for him to see the chat.

"That's convenient." Jimin laughs.

"I know! He's super nice!" Taehyung exclaimed. Jimin wouldn't be lying to say he was shining like a sun.

The bus gets to Yoongi's stop, but Yoongi doesn't get on. Huh, that's weird. 'Maybe he drove to school or something?' Jimin thought as the bus continued on.

"So....are you going to ask him on a date or something?" Jimin asked playfully.

Taehyung grew red, "What?! No!" he shook his one hand, "We just met. I don't even know what he looks like!"

Jimin laughs at this, "Are you not going to acknowledge we are talking about a boy."

Taehyung looked to Jimin seriously, "Yeah? Is that a problem?"

Jimin's heart stopped. "O-oh...I just." Jimin nervously ran his hand thru his hair, "I never took you as g-"

His sentence was stopped by a hand covering his mouth, "Shhh! Don't fuckin' say it out loud man!" Taehyung whispered. Jimin was just confused but nodded anyway.

Getting to school he noticed he didn't see the black-haired boy anywhere. Even at lunch, he just noticed the kid Yoongi sat with was sitting alone looking down at his phone with a cute smile.

Then following afterward, Jimin had to do his science group project alone. He walked up to the teacher, "Ma'am?" he asked.

She looked up from grading papers probably from the class before, "Yes, Jimin? What is it?"

"Um...Well, Yoongi has most of the project with him." Jimin nervously ran his hand thru his orange hair, "Is it ok if we can hand in our project tomorrow?"

The project was due by the end of the period, but there was no way Jimin could hand his stuff in without what Yoongi stole that Friday night.

The teacher seemed to understand as she smiled, "As long as you both hand it in first thing tomorrow." Jimin smiled and bowed to her, "Thank you ma'am."

Then to make things even more interesting, Jimin saw Taehyung look dreamily at his phone during the bus ride back. Jimin couldn't take this soft side of Tae, so he chuckled. "Dude, why don't you ask him some personal questions to try and figure out who he is?"

Taehyung looks to Jimin, a bit red in the cheeks, "I don't think we're at that point."

"Tae, for all you know this dude could be a 50-year-old man!"

Taehyung smiled at this far-fetched accusation, "He's not. I don't think elders get into Snapchat. Also, he's told me he goes to school."

"Did you ask what school?"

"No...." Taehyung shyly looks down at his phone.

"Tae!" Jimin laughs at his friend's cuteness, "Just ask him!"

"Okay...." he types something in the chat. A few moments later, the guy replied.

Taehyung's eyes sparkled, "He goes to Saehyun Academy! DUDE that's the same school we go to!!" he was literally bouncing with excitement.

"Dude, what has gotten into you?!" Jimin laughs. He kinda liked this side of Taehyung. In fact, Tae must've been so into texting this guy he didn't mess with Yoongi's friend at all today.

"Oh, shit! He asked me what school I go to!" Taehyung then said.

"Well, tell him! Duh!" Jimin nudged Taehyung as he nodded and shakily typed the words.

Soon, Jimin was dropped off at his house. He shot Yoongi a text earlier on the bus asking if he was ok and if it was ok for Jimin to come get the stuff.

His phone buzzed as he got into the house.

Yoongi - Yeah, I'm fine. Just come by, my mom can give you the stuff.

Jimin read the text and shot an ok. He grabbed his folder and was about to start his car to then notice...He didn't really know exactly how to get to Yoongi's house.

Jimin - Hey, can you text me your address? I'm not sure where you live.

Yoongi- Isn't my stop right after you?

Jimin - Yeah, but it's not like I pay attention to how the bus gets there!

Soon Yoongi texts his address and Jimin drives to the house. He looks to the smaller house as he goes up to ring the bell.

A short lady, about the same hight as Jimin, opens the door and smiles, "Oh, you must be Jimin! Please come in!" she welcomed him into the house.

Jimin noted two things from Yoongi's house. 1. It was a bit messy (But there's nothing wrong with a little mess). 2. It was a bit run-down.

"You're here for this?" she asks, pointing to a folder on the table. Jimin nods, opening the folder to make sure he had everything. He then noted, Yoongi didn't write his name on the paper.

"Ma'am? May I ask where Yoongi is?" Jimin asked Yoongi's mother.

"In his room, dear. What did you need?" she asked kindly.

"He forgot to write his name. Which room is his?"

"The first one on the left, but please be quiet." she said.

Jimin was confused on why she added that but did as he was told. He softly knocked on Yoongi's door. A deep, faint "Come in." was heard thru the door.

He opened it to lay his eyes shockingly to Yoongi's room. It was a bit messy, but every teenager's room was messy, and his bed was currently occupying a bundled up Yoongi. "Yoongi?" he asked as he stepped into the room.

Yoongi sat up quickly, to then put his hand to his head as he grimaced in pain, "Jimin? What the heck are you doing here?"

"I came for the papers for our project?" Jimin asked.

The black-haired boy sighs, "I knew that. I mean in my room." His half-lidded eyes looked over to Jimin as Jimin's breath hitched. He looked hot.

Jimin quickly shook off that thought as he walked over to the bed, "You forgot to put your name on the paper, dummy."

Yoongi glanced at him with the nickname he was called but snatched the paper to put his name on it.

"You didn't come to school today."

"Obviously." he said as he finished putting his name down to hand it back to Jimin. "Here."

But Jimin didn't take the paper. His hand went straight to Yoongi's forehead. "What are you-?" Yoongi asked but then stopped after Jimin's hand connected to his forehead.

Jimin felt heat from the head, "You're running a fever!"

"Yeah...why I was home all day."

Jimin's heart hurt, this was his fault.... "I'm sorry....." he said quietly, looking away from Yoongi. If he never would've forced Yoongi to come do this damn project when he was sick, Yoongi wouldn't be sick.

A/N: Heeey! Another pretty long chapter. I kinda like long ones. I don't know. Would you like me to post long chapters or short ones? Anyways, I'm having a lot of fun writing this fun fanfic. I never would've imagined having this much fun... I hope you guys are enjoying it so far! ^w^

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