33 | Papers And Finals

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The following month passed as Yoongi slowly got used to not seeing Jimin every day. Sure, they had their usual Face-time call but that started to be every now and then since finals were almost around the corner.

Yoongi and Namjoon were sitting in the library reading the other's essays for their literature class. They both wanted good grades since this essay was the majority of their grade so they agreed on proofreading the other's essays.

It made Yoongi mad with how many big words Namjoon used and how perfect the guy's grammar was. He didn't see one misspelled word or out of place commas. Frustrated, he threw the paper on the table.

The paper was the literal definition of perfection. Namjoon looked up from Yoongi's paper, "Done already?"


"I'm almost done with yours." he said, as he circled something. Yoongi sighed, grabbing his phone and shooting a message to Jimin.

How's it going, Jimin? Over here we're working on a dumb essay that's most of our grade.

Seems like our teachers think a lot alike. My lit teacher assigned an essay too. Good luck!

Yoongi smiled at the text, shooting a good luck to his boyfriend as Namjoon put his essay on the table.

"Did you even try?" Namjoon asked when Yoongi put his phone away.

Yoongi sighed, a bit ticked, "Look, not everyone's good with literature..."

"Yoongi, I don't know if you forgot, but this is a huge chunk of our grade. You can seriously not graduate if this isn't done well."

"What do you want me to do?" Yoongi crossed his arms, frustrated at the perfect 1000 IQ man...or whatever his IQ is. He didn't care.

Namjoon sighed, "Just look over my marks and try to sound like you tried. Give it to me by Friday."

Yoongi thanked Namjoon, as he then did the same and the two split ways. The busses were gone by now, so Yoongi decided to walk to Taehyung's. He hoped it wasn't too much of a trouble, but he was too lazy to walk all the way to his house.

Getting to the house, he knocked and waited. Soon, Taehyung opened the door. "Yoongi? What's up, man?"

"Just coming from school. Can I come in?" Taehyung let him in as Yoongi slipped off his shoes.

"So what's got you so ticked?" Taehyung said as Yoongi slouched into the couch.

"This stupid essay! God, I hate it." Yoongi flew up his arms in defeat. He won't pass and he won't graduate and he'll let Jimin down.

"Want me to look over it?" Taehyung asked sitting next to him, handing him a bottled water.

He took it with a sigh, "I already had Namjoon look at it and he basically said that I didn't try." Yoongi was still mad at his friend being all smart and that.

Taehyung smiled as he shook his head, "Let me see it and see if I can help."

Yoongi almost threw the dumb paper to Taehyung as he crossed his arms. Taehyung looked wide-eyed to the paper that was full of red marks. "Jeeze hyung. What the heck?"

"I know... Give it back if you're just going to mock me." Yoongi scoffed as he tried to grab his paper but Taehyung moved the paper away.

"I'll help, but since you stopped me from making stir-fry, can you cut up some veggies while I read over this?"

Yoongi thought it was an equal exchange so he simply nodded and went to the cutting board. He took the knife and started to chop the carrots in slivers.

"You know, hyung, you don't have to change all these small details. Don't let Namjoon get to you. This isn't that bad." Taehyung walked over to the counter as he continued reading. "You have the plot but that's it. I think you need to flub it up a bit, you know?"

Yoongi nodded his head as the two switched places. "You go ahead and read through your own work with our notes. Might help sort out what you want."

After a long drawn out 30 minutes, Taehyung called Yoongi to eat. "So, where's your parents?"

Taehyung smiled softly, "They went on a vacation. My aunt comes by to check if I'm not burning down the house." The two laugh at the small joke and continue eating.

After they ate, Yoongi helped Taehyung clean up and then he packed his stuff into his bag. Even though he wanted to stay over he knew he had to get his other homework and studying done. Finals were in about a month, and he really needed the studying.

"Thanks for today, Taehyung." Yoongi said as he put his shoes on.

"No problem. Good luck on the paper." Taehyung waived goodbye and Yoongi walked home. It wasn't too bad of a walk. Yeah, it was long but a half-hour walk was nice once in a while to clear the head. He looked over at Jimin's old house as he passed it, seeing the 'For Sale' sign was already gone.

Yoongi sighed; he missed Jimin. He decided he'd call Jimin tonight while he worked on his Trig homework. Maybe Jimin was on the same problems as he was.

Once he did get home, he messaged his boyfriend and went straight to his room to study. The two went on a call to work together on their homework and before they knew it...a month flew by. (Yeah, it's rushed I get it... but I don't have any other ideas!)

Yoongi found himself looking at his first final, Trigonometry. He hated the subject with a passion but still decided to buckle down and at least get a passing grade. Then he moved to English to get his paper handed in, then to lunch, and then to science.

The day moved way too slow for Yoongi's liking. Once he made it to Science, he was almost falling asleep. Though, he kept his eyes opened and focused because he had to pass. He had to graduate.

He finally found himself falling onto his bed after school was done. "So, how was the finals?" Jimin asked on the other side of the laptop screen.

"Boring as all hell." Yoongi grunted, looking to his boyfriend. He couldn't help the small smile that fell on his lips as he looked at Jimin's gorgeous face and messy hair. There was no denying it, Jimin was sexy as all hell.

"Yeah, tell me about it..." Jimin rolled his eyes but then smiled, "I'm glad we got through it. I talked with my mom today about me coming down for your graduation and she was on board with it. We're so lucky that our graduation dates are a day off of each other!"

"That was only because our city didn't have any snow dates! You're closer north so you had a snow day!" Yoongi smiled, thankful that everything was going to work out in the end.

"Yeah, well I shouldn't have to make up for that day! I'm technically doing one extra day of school!" Jimin proclaimed, crossing his arms in a joking factor.

"Chiminie, babe. As long as we both get to see each other graduate, I don't see an issue."

He saw his boyfriend's face turn red at the nickname, "Yeah, I know..."

They were silent for a moment, both smiling to the other as they stared at each other's faces. "Hey Yoongi?"


Jimin smiled, making his small hands shape into a heart, "I love you!"

Yoongi beamed at his cute boyfriend. How did he get so lucky? "Love you too, Jimin."

A/N: Eeeeeey~ Sorry about the weird time skip. I wasn't really sure how I was going to make it fast forward to the finals....so yeah. Honestly, this chapter started as a random filler and then turned to the actual finals. I'm no good at writing about finals...so I hope this chapter was ok?

Secondly, shameless promotion once again... Please share some love to my VKook book, 'Colored Love'... No one seems to like it and it makes me sad because I worked very hard on the chapters...  Please comment! I won't take any comment badly! :( I miss your comments...

ALSO (Sorry) I'm planning on making a text-themed fanfic on Sope/Yoonsoek where one of them is basically mute and they only text.... idk yet but I'm kinda excited to see where this goes! ^_^ Ok, I'm done! See you next chapter!!

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