18 | Too Much To Handle

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Warnings: This chapter will contain a lot of depression, blood, anxiety and hospital scenes. Please if you are uncomfortable with any of these, please wait for the next chapter! Thank you, and enjoy.

Jimin looked at the last project grade that got handed back in science. He honestly didn't understand what Yoongi and him did wrong. The math added up, so why did they still get a C? Was it the fact that it was late?

Jimin asked the teacher soon after and she explained it to Jimin that they simply solved the wrong thing. Duh! Jimin thanked the professor and soon Friday came to a close. He sat in the empty bus seat since Taehyung said he was meeting someone after school. Yoongi looked down, more than usual, which worried Jimin.

'What if he cuts again?' was his first thought as he tapped his thumb against his phone, texting Yoongi.

Is it okay if I come over tonight?

No, tonight won't work.

Why, are your parents going to be home?

It took a few minutes for Yoongi's response.


Then why?

Jimin noted that Yoongi didn't want to answer as he went to his house. Sighing as he set his bag down on his bed. Something was up, and Jimin couldn't stop thinking about it. Reluctantly, Jimin went against Yoongi's wishes and drove to the house after he ate dinner.

He went to the door and knocked. No answer. Well, Yoongi probably didn't hear him so he rang the doorbell. Still no answer.

Jimin grew nervous, as he opened the door finding it to be unlocked. His eyes widened in shock to see some scattered beer bottles around as the room filled up with the smell. Jimin then noted Yoongi's bag being thrown against the wall, which Jimin knew he never did.

"Yoongi?" he called, going to the boy's bedroom to find it empty. His heart pounded as he turned to the only room he could think of... The bathroom.

He knocked on the door, "Yoongi?" he again called, to no answer. Gulping loudly, he opened the door as his heart dropped to his stomach.

There on the floor was a passed out Yoongi, blade next to his hand. Jimin's eyes overflowed with tears as he saw the horror picture in front of him. Yoongi had some blood under his nose, his eye was black probably from a punch, his neck had red markings around them and his arms were a complete disaster.

Quickly grabbing his cell phone, he dialed 911 while grabbing gauze, or cloth or anything to stop the overflowing blood coming from the many open cuts on the boy's arms. As he told the person on the phone everything, he carefully put a towel on the arms. His tears visually darkening the towel.

As the lady said that the ambulance was soon on the way, he looked at the pale boy to notice his cheeks had dried tears on them. "Stay with me, Yoongi." he cried, grabbing his hand. "Don't leave me, please."

To his luck, he felt a slight movement of the other's fingers almost trying to wrap around Jimin's fingers. "Yoongi?" he said, tightening his grip on the hand to ensure him he was there. The black-haired boy's eyebrows knotted.

"J-Jim...in..." he heard in a faint whisper as the boy tried to speak. It broke Jimin's heart as he put his free hand up to the boy's lips to shush him with his finger.

"Shhh. I'm right here. I'm not leaving." Jimin reassured Yoongi, planting a small kiss on the boy's bony fingers. Soon, the ambulance comes as Yoongi gets carted in. Jimin jumps in as he quickly goes to his contacts to find Yoongi's mom.

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