2 | Another School

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Alarm clock screams abrupted the quiet morning.

Jimin sat up in his new bed in his new room turning off his alarm clock. He sighed getting out of bed to look at himself in the mirror. His orange dyed hair was an absolute mess as he tried his best to comb it to look better.

Going into the new kitchen, he poured himself a bowl of cereal in quiet. His father was already on his way to work and his mom was too busy setting up the new house office. Jimin hated how his dad's job required them to move so often. He would get friends at a school to then leave them behind to get a new group of friends. Same thing every time.

This year it just had to be senior year to move again. There wasn't any point in making friends anymore. All Jimin wanted was to get through one more year of school, graduate and go to college. He grabbed his bag and went out to his stop to get picked up.

He grabbed the last open seat on the bus near the back and stared out the window as the bus kept going to the stops. Jimin didn't know he blanked as he heard, "Can I sit here? Or will there be an explosion if I do?"

Jimin looked concerned to a boy with raven black hair being cover by a black hoodie. He couldn't exactly answer fully so he got a "Sure" out.

The boy awkwardly sat next to him, making enough space between them. Jimin decided he wanted to make things less awkward between the two... I mean the guy looked like he was nervous.

He held out his hand. What's one friend anyways? It's Senior Year. Maybe you can be friends after you graduate. "I'm Jimin."

The black-haired boy looked to him in confusion and concern, which made Jimin even more confused.

"Yo, Jimin. Ya sure you want to do that man?" One of the kids behind them leaned over the seat. "You'll probably get a disease from the rat."

What the hell? Jimin was confused out of his mind. This boy looked harmless. To make things less awkward, Jimin just took his hand away. It wasn't like the boy was going to take it anyways.

Why did his first day at a new school have to start off so...weird?

~ ~ ~ ~

A/N: Soooo I know I said that there would be slow updates but I'm seriously bored right now. So, I decided to make a chapter for Jimin. I'm going to basically do Yoongi's pov for one chapter, then switch to Jimin's the next. If that ever changes, I'll probs tell ya. ^w^

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