6 | Keeping Distance

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The first days of school flew by for Jimin as he kept safe with Taehyung and the gang. He actually liked the company of Taehyung and Namjoon the most. Taehyung was weird at first, but once you got to know him, he was a really nice guy. He was pretty smart and funny.

Namjoon was the smartest kid in the class and usually would be put off as awkward, but Jimin saw him as a genuine character. He always worried about the group, helping everyone if anything. Namjoon even tutored Jimin with the whole school grounds and helped him understand math.

Everything seemed to be clicking into place for Jimin and he started to really like it. He usually kept his distance because of his dad's job moving them from place to place, but he really wanted to stay here.

Minus one detail. This Yoongi kid. Hearing plenty of stories of him, Jimin took note to stay far away from him as possible. During the bus ride, he sat with Taehyung to minus the factor of sitting with Yoongi. For lunch, he always sat with the group. In the hallways, he made sure to stay far to the other side of the hallway when passing him, never even daring to keep eye contact.

He hated the fact that Taehyung always pushed him or knocked his books down though. Yoongi might be a bad person, but he didn't have to go that far. Though, Jimin was not good at confrontation and just kept silent.

Unfortunately for Jimin, he had Science with Yoongi. Taehyung and Namjoon didn't have science with Jimin either, so Jimin was not safe. He was thankful that his assigned seat was a few rows from Yoongi.

Days go by, each morning he sits with Taehyung. Lunchtime; sits with Taehyung. After lunch, go upstairs and see Taehyung knock Yoongi or the kid that's always with him's books down the stairs. When science comes up, he forces his eyes upon the chalkboard and never flinches to look back at Yoongi. Finally, the bus ride home, he sits with Taehyung.

It became a routine day in and day out.

Until one day, the teacher announces a group project with partners. She had papers with everyone's names on it that each kid had to pull out. Jimin only hoped that the kids before him had Yoongi's name so he didn't have the stress of pulling the fated name.

But in what world is Jimin lucky? The teacher got to him and Yoongi's name had yet to be pulled. Jimin harshly gulped, reaching in to grab one folded paper. Unfolding it, he read.

Min YoonGi

It seemed that time stopped in its place as he kept reading it over like a dream.

Min YoonGi  It still read. No matter how many times he glanced at the paper; no matter how many times he blinked it read, 'Min YoonGi'.

"Who did you get, Jimin?" the teacher asked.

Jimin was in disbelief and softly said, "Min Yoongi."

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