7 | Feel No Pain

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Warnings: This chapter has a small bit of self hurt. I'll mark the area with a border (****) before and after it if you so wish to skip it.

Day after day life dragged on. It seemed like Yoongi's life was on repeat. Sit alone on the bus ride to and from school, get pushed into lockers here and there, get tripped once or twice, books gets knocked down and so on.

He was laying in bed, crying useless tears. What was the point of crying if nothing changes? Was he even here?

His parents left a while ago to go on a date or something. Anything to probably get away from such a disappointment.


Yoongi trudges into the bathroom and looks at his reflection. Eyes red with tears falling down his face. Rolling up his sleeve he finds his hidden razor. He glanced at his previous cuts that looked like they were starting to heal before bringing the razor to his arm.

One slice. Pain was still there. Another and another.

Yoongi counted four as blood trickled down his arm. He just watched the blood fall without course. How it flew so free.

He sighed, washing the blade and his arm. Putting on band-aids he smiled to himself.

This is what people wanted, for him to get hurt. He was nothing more than pain.


The next day, Yoongi wore a black sweatshirt as usual. The day just went by for him. Lunch was probably the best out of the day.

Jungkook really was a nice kid. He was funny, kind, compassionate and overall just... well, him. It made Yoongi's day sufferable, to say the least.

But it just gets ruined anyway by Taehyung later on knocking books out of his, or Jungkook's hands. They should say they got used to it, but every day it still hurt.

To top it off in science the teacher announced there was assigned partners for a group project. Oh boy, a project where usually Yoongi has to do work by himself and give his partner his work to intertwine.

To top it off it was by picking papers. Paper by paper, teams were formed.

Then the teacher got to the new kid, Jimin. Yoongi prayed for him not to be paired by Taehyung's new best friend.

The orange haired boy unfolds the paper and looks at it in disbelief. This was good news, that means he got a friend and he wasn't expecting that.

Well, Yoongi would've thought that if he didn't keep blinking at the paper, almost trying to see if he was in a dream.

"Who did you get, Park Jimin?" The teacher asked.

He looked up, baffled, "Min Yoongi."

Yoongi's heart dropped. No, please tell him this was a dream. He pinched his arm at his fresh scars feeling a line of pain shooting up his arm. Nope, this was worse than a dream.

This was a real-life nightmare.

A/N: Hey! Hope you all are enjoying this so far. Somehow I fell in love with this story and really am motivated to write this. I hope you all like it so far as I'll be seeing you guys next chapter!

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