8 | Group Project

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A/N: This is a bit of a long chapter. Hope you guys enjoy!!

Jimin couldn't believe it. Even after sitting down in his seat, he stared at the name.

Min YoonGi

Why did it have to be him? He sighed, 'It's just one group project. You can do this!' After all the teams were formed, the teacher instructed everyone to sit by their partner. Jimin glanced back at Yoongi and noticed he was looking away.

It didn't seem like he was moving anytime soon, so Jimin picked up his stuff and moved to sit beside him, leaving plenty of room between them.

"Um...." Jimin started.

"Look, I'll just work on it and give you what you need by the end of the week." Yoongi said, cutting him off.

This was off-putting, "What?" Jimin asked.

"You heard me..." he muttered, not even providing any eye contact.

"This is a group project. Aren't we supposed to work together?" Jimin asked inquisitively.

Yoongi air laughed, almost mocking like. "Yeah, that's what I said. I'll do my stuff and give it to you."

This kid was really getting on Jimin's nerves. "Why? It's easier if we work together. What if we come up with different answers? What if your thesis doesn't match mine?!" Jimin retorted, "Look, it's easy to see we both don't want to work together -"

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "You can say that again." he muttered.

Jimin was losing his patience, but he continued, "But for this one project, I say we come together. I just want to get this project done. One day together and that'll be it. Please?" Jimin asked. He was a bit surprised at himself for talking so normally to this kid.

Yoongi sighed in defeat, closing his eyes. He turned to Jimin, finally looking at him with his eyes, "Fine."

Jimin blinked a few times. Wait... He's ok with it? Already?! Jimin thought he'd have to basically beg this kid to let them work together. "O-Oh. Um...You free tomorrow after school then? It's a Friday night...so?"

"Yeah, I'm free." he simply said.

For some reason, this made Jimin happy. "Okay, want to come to my house?"


Jimin kindly smiled as he wrote his address down on a piece of paper plus his cell phone number. "That's my cell if you ever need to call me to ask anything. Could I have yours?"

"No." he said, taking the paper from Jimin.

"Wait, why?" Jimin asked perplexed.

No answer, Yoongi almost like he tuned him out.

"I asked why. I want your number to ask questions about this project, why don't you want to give me your number?"


It took every last bit of energy Jimin had not to scream at him. "Yoongi, just give me your damn number." Jimin harshly whispered. Yoongi's head snapped to Jimin, eyes shot open in shock.

He visibly swallowed before glancing at his papers then back to Jimin, then back to the papers again. Giving Jimin one last confusing glance, he wrote his cell phone number. "Here. You're deleting it after the project is done. Got it?"

Jimin quickly nodded, not wanting to ask any other questions and soon the period was over. He got up and grabbed his stuff, "Text me if you need anything." He said before leaving the class.

Jimin sighed as he walked to the last class of the day, thanking god that he somehow got thru that.

Soon Friday came around and Jimin lied on his bed groggily. His head hurt and his throat was dry. He groaned, later regretting it with pain in his throat. Why out of all days did he have to get sick?! Jimin has a group project that he has to do.

Forcing himself up, he got changed and made his way to the bus. Sitting next to Taehyung as always, Taehyung looked to Jimin confused.

"Dude, you don't look so good."

Jimin was at least thankful that his throat was feeling a bit better than earlier as he replied, "I'm fine."

Going to each class was the most struggle. He got thru to science and sat next to Yoongi for the beginning of their project. Even Yoongi gave him a confused look, scanning over him.

"You ok?" he simply asked as Jimin set his stuff down.

Jimin sighed at this question that he constantly got thru the day. "I'll be fine." he said.

The two got some work done for the beginning of the project. Working with him wasn't as bad as Jimin thought. He was pretty silent for most of it and only recoiled on the things he didn't like. It was very simple. The bell rung and Jimin picked up his stuff, getting up way too quick.

His surroundings spung a bit as he stepped back trying to regain balance. Gaining it back, he looked to Yoongi to find him looking at him with concern. "See you later?" Jimin asked.

"You know...I don't have to come over. You should rest." he said, getting his stuff as he walked out of class with Jimin.

Jimin waived him off, "No, I'll be fine. Just come tonight, ok?"

Yoongi gave him a 'Are you sure' look as he scanned Jimin one last time.

"I'm fine, Yoongi. Let's just get this project done as fast as possible."

Yoongi shrugged, "Alright." he simply said and then turned to go to class.

Soon Jimin was at home, eating a small dinner and taking some pills for his headache. He just wanted this project to be over with.

He cleans his room a bit since his dad was using the kitchen table for his work. Checking his work, Jimin approved of the look and soon heard the doorbell ring. "I got it!" He called as he walked to the door as fast as he could with his head still pounding.

Opening up the door, he saw Yoongi on the other side. The black-haired boy looked up to Jimin to then shyly look down. "You came! Come in." Jimin let him in.

Jimin's parents look to the door. "Mom, dad, this is Yoongi. He's a classmate of mine. We're doing a group project. If you need anything, we'll be in my room." Jimin quickly explained before leading Yoongi to his room.

For some reason, Jimin was a bit nervous. Did he clean his room up enough? What will he think about his room? Questions started flooding into Jimin's head.

All he hoped for was that this project to be finished.

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