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Hey y'all! I just wanted to kinda notify you that I decided on entering this story in the Wattys 2018 for the heck of it. I know my story is not the best, but I am very proud of it as of now, so I decided on it.

I'll be posting two chapters back-to-back after this but I also wanted to tell you guys a huge change. I updated the rating of this fanfic to Mature due to a lot of warnings. I've noticed that I get a bit into detail and I know I do warn you guys, but I felt it would be better under Mature due to the WattPad guidelines.

I'm glad to hear some feedback from you guys and am glad to hear you are enjoying it. I know some people were a little upset about Hoseok being a 'bad guy' and I just wanted to state that this is an AU (Alternate Universe). Also, I might have him change in the future...maybe if I feel nice enough.

Also, a quick side note before I post the chapters, I just want to congratulate the boys on them getting to the Billboard Top 10 with Fake Love! I'm so proud of the boys' improved English! XD Aaaah they're growing up so fast!

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