14 | Next Project

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Jimin was ultimately concerned for Taehyung. He could see that something was up but every time Jimin would ask him, Taehyung would just shake it off.

To make things better in a way, Taehyung was in no mood to do things to Yoongi or his friend. It made them be free to breathe a little more, but the other group members have started making fun of them.

Jimin sighed as he went into his science class and slumped into his seat. The teacher allowed another group project where you got to choose your partner. When she was done with giving the papers, everyone rushed to become a group.

Since Jimin didn't know anyone, he was one of the last to be partnered up. He looked back at Yoongi who was just looking down at his paper. Jimin shrugged to himself as he got his stuff and sat down next to him.

"Wanna be partners?" he asked kindly.

"Do I have a choice?" Yoongi asked coldly.

"No...not really. Everyone else is already partnered up." Jimin answered, putting his name and Yoongi's name on the paper. "Besides, you're now on the paper."

Yoongi looked to him and chuckled to himself, "Right." The two got to work and soon class was over. "Can I come over tonight to finish up the project?" Jimin asked as they were leaving.

"Can't we go to yours?" he asked. Jimin understood why since Yoongi's house wasn't as nice as Jimin's.

"Well, I'd like to but my parents have a date night planned...so I kinda...ya know... don't want to be there." Jimin hoped he knew where he was heading.

"Oh." He simply said, "Sure. Text me if you need anything."

And with that, Jimin found himself at Yoongi's door once more. He took in a deep breath and let it go as he rang the doorbell. Minutes later, the door opened up to show Yoongi on the other side. He gestured him to come inside.

Jimin slid off his shoes and followed Yoongi to his room. "You need anything? Food or water?"

Jimin shook his head, "No I ate before came here. Thank you though." The two make it to the bedroom and work hard to finish the paper.

Nearing the end, there was a pitter patter on the window. The two looked up at the window to see it was raining. Shit, Jimin didn't bring an umbrella. Oh well, at least he can just take a nice long bath when he gets home.

He went back to focusing on the project and the two finished it. Jimin packed up his things and was about to leave the house to see the downpour that was happening. He turned to Yoongi and smiled, "Well, I guess I should be getting home before this storm gets bad." as he turned back around to step out into the flood.

"Wait." making him stop and turn back to the other. "You...want to stay over?" he asked nervously.

"You sure?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah, my parents are away on a business trip so they won't be back tonight."

"Oh, well I guess if you're ok with it?" Jimin asked to make sure.

Yoongi shrugged, "Yeah if you don't mind the couch."

Jimin shook his head, "No, I don't mind." So, Jimin finds himself back inside Yoongi's house. He took notice that it was a bit cleaner from before.

"Sorry about the mess..." Yoongi apologized, sitting down on the couch.

"You're fine...but you mind if I brush my teeth?"

Yoongi looked up to Jimin like he grew another head, "It's like 9 pm on a Friday night."


"You seriously aren't hungry for any snacks or something?"

"I mean...I could go for some popcorn and a movie if that's what you're getting at?" something in that statement made his heart flutter in hope. He never felt more excited to watch a movie with Yoongi.

Yoongi shrugged, "What do you want to watch?" he pointed to the bookshelf filled with movies. Jimin scanned the movies and saw one that was a comedy movie. Yoongi nodded in agreement and put it in. The two sat together with popcorn to soon watch the movie.

It was really funny as Jimin laughed at most of the movie as Yoongi mostly chuckled at the jokes. Jimin noted a difference between this laugh as it actually sounded like he was enjoying himself. It was refreshing to hear his laugh and breathtaking to see his smile.

Jimin found himself lost at how beautiful his smile was. Yoongi looked over to Jimin, "What? Do I have something on my face?"

Jimin freaked out, he got caught staring at the boy, "Um...y-yeah." Jimin quickly brushed his finger at the boy's cheek making the other look shocked. "Got it!" he nervously smiled.

"Y-yeah." he said. The two sat in silence as the movie soon finished.

Getting up to stretch as Yoongi started for his room, Jimin noticed he actually didn't have a toothbrush. "Hey, Yoongi? Do you have a spare toothbrush I could use tonight?"

The boy nodded, "Yeah, in one of the cabinets in there. You'll find it." he pointed to the bathroom.

Jimin entered the bathroom and started opening drawers. Until one thing caught his eyes. Why was there a random paper towel in this one? Curiosity got the best of him as he took the surprisingly weighted piece. Carefully he unwrapped a huge surprise.

He looked to it in horror. It was a razor. Jimin gulped as he quickly rewrapped the razor to keep looking for a toothbrush. He was conflicted. Does he ask Yoongi about it or keep it silent. Continuously he asked himself the question as he brushed his teeth.

He was really worried about Yoongi... Was the razor there for him? If it was for him, why? He hated self-harm. Hated seeing the effects. He did not want Yoongi to go through this. He knocked on Yoongi's opened door to see Yoongi naked.

Yoongi jumped quickly trying to grab his shirt, but Jimin was too fast. He grabbed Yoongi's left arm and studied it.

There the proof was visible. A couple lines up his arm, some seemed like they were close to healing while others looked fresh.

"Get off." Yoongi yanked his arm back as he put his long sleeve shirt on.

Jimin was speechless and hurt. His eyes watered, "W-why?" he croaked out as tears fell.

The two was silent, "Just...go to bed." Yoongi said.

"No, I'm not leaving until you tell me why!" Jimin yelled, his tears still falling. Why? Why?! The question got repetitive as Jimin wanted answers. Why was Yoongi hurting himself?

No answer, "Yoongi tell me why!" Jimin stepped forward to Yoongi who took a step back.

"Just drop it, Jimin." Yoongi growled.

"No, I need you to answer me! Why are you doing this to yourself?!"

"Because!" he yelled, tears starting to fall from his eyes. "Just because, Jimin. Just..." he cried, his tears falling, "Please...go."

Jimin hurt everywhere. His heart hurt as his stomach felt sick. He desperately felt like he had to help him. Why does he seem so fixated on Yoongi? Why was he going out of his way to help?

"I said go, Jimin!" Yoongi yelled but seeing Jimin didn't move, Yoongi fell to his knees. "Fuck." he cried as he brought his hands over his eyes. Jimin's legs moved on their own towards the boy, kneeling down to engulf Yoongi into a hug.

Yoongi just accepted the hug and grasped Jimin's shirt, "I fucking hate you." he cried into Jimin's shirt.

Jimin bit his lower lip, feeling so hurt but he stayed there. He let the boy cry until he fell asleep. Tucking in Yoongi, Jimin swore to himself...He had to help him, no matter what.

A/N: Heeeeey~ Hope this chapter wasn't too bad. Just a quick thanks again for all the support! You guys are awesome ^w^ I hope you guys are enjoying it.

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