35 | Are We Forever

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A/N: Prepare for a long ass chapter full of emotions. This technically was supposed to be the last chapter, but I'll be posting one last one like an epilogue almost! ^_^ enjoy~

Jimin runs up to engulf Yoongi in a huge hug after the graduation ceremony was finished. The two of them hugged as they were in tears.

"Congrats, Yoongi." Jimin smiled, finally hugging Yoongi for what seemed like ages.

"Thanks, Jimin." Yoongi gives him a small smile as they peck on the lips. Yoongi pouts, "Is that all I get for my hard work?"

Jimin couldn't help but laugh at his cute boyfriend, but still leaned in to close the gap to kiss again. They broke with the sound of coughing, both sheepishly looking to Taehyung and Jungkook.

"We're glad you guys are back together and all, but it'd be nice if you didn't swallow each other's tongues in front of the whole class." Taehyung smirked as he brought Jungkook closer to him by his waist.

"You're one to talk." Yoongi scowled but soon was replaced as he saw Namjoon walk over.

"Hey guys, have you seen Jin? He said that he'd be here." Namjoon asked, looking a bit depressed.

The whole group scanned the area, not seeing any trace of the boy and looked back at him all saying no. "That's alright. At least I have you guys." Namjoon smiled.

Jimin could tell he was lying and forcing a smile. He knew today was a big day and he'd be sad if he would miss Yoongi's big day...Just as if Yoongi wouldn't come for his big day tomorrow.

So, Jimin walked over to Namjoon and gave him a hug, "Congrats Namjoon."

Namjoon was at first hesitant to embrace him, but soon complied, wrapping his arms around him, "Thanks Jimin."

The group made their ways to their families and soon parted ways giving promises to see each other tomorrow for Jimin's graduation.

"So are you excited, dear?" Jimin's mom asked as Yoongi and Jimin walked with his family plus Yoongi's mom.

"I guess, yeah." Jimin answered as they all walked to a diner. It was nice for their families to meet and get to know each other. He couldn't be any happier.

Tomorrow he'll be crossing to the next stage of life. He decided to go for dance as he's always loved to dance and felt he was pretty good at it. Jimin already sent in many audition tapes to many colleges.

What his next step was with Yoongi, however, was a different story. He didn't want to go through a long distance relationship with him as he'd feel they'd break away. His heart shattered at the thought of leaving him behind.

"Jimin?" he heard Yoongi say.

"Huh? I'm sorry, what did you say?" Jimin asked, breaking from his thought.

"I didn't say anything. I just wanted to know if you were ok... You're kinda squeezing my hand."

Jimin looked down at their intertwined fingers, seeing him gripping on Yoongi's hand harshly. He quickly let go of the pressure. "Sorry, just thinking."

"About what?"

"College and us..." Jimin said, finishing his meal.

"What about us?" Yoongi chuckled, giving a faint squeeze of their hands to show it was ok to talk. Their parents were talking about their own things anyways, so it wasn't like they were listening.

"I guess just the fact of us being separated again."

"Who said we'd separate?" Yoongi looked nervous and scared, which Jimin hated seeing.

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