4 | New School, New Rules

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Jimin sighed as his new classes flew by until lunch. He just wanted to stay low for this one final year.

Getting his food, he noticed the kid who was on the bus was sitting alone. He was torn; did he want to eat with him or not?

The other kids don't seem to like him for some reason...

"Hey! New kid!!" Jimin heard from another table. The blonde kid who he recognized from the bus was waving at him.

Jimin shrugged as he walked over to the full table. "Sit down, man. Welcome to the cool kids table."

Jimin nervously sat down next to the boy, "Thanks..."

"I'm Kim Taehyung!" The blonde said giving Jimin a box grin. It suited him really.

"Park Jimin." Jimin said, then taking a bite out of his pizza.

"Nice to meet ya Jimin." Taehyung started to introduce all the other boys and then looked back to Jimin, "Yo dude, I'm so glad that I could save you from touching that rat earlier."

Something in that last statement irked him, "If you don't mind me asking, why do you keep saying he's a rat?"

Taehyung shakes his head in disapproval, "He's quiet, wimpy, glutton, and steals anything he can."

That didn't seem right. The black haired boy from earlier didn't seem like the kind to do that.

"Yeah dude. I heard Yoongi took money from a freshman last year. How low can you go?" One of the boys at the table then said.

Jimin raised his eyebrow, "Yoongi?"

Taehyung nodded, "That's the rat's real name if you dare to speak it. Who knows, Jackson could probably get sick tomorrow because he said his name." The table laughed at this and Jimin played along.

It hurt to hear all these bad things about this boy named Young but by the sound of it, he should stay away from him if possible.

Soon the bell rang and the kids flew out and Jimin followed. "Wait! Jimin!" Taehyung called out. Jimin turned to him. "Give me your phone number. I'd like to text you later."

Jimin smiled handing Tae his phone which soon was handed back with the new contact. "Talk to you later dude!" He waived and then ran to his next class.

Well, Jimin really wasn't looking for friends but it looks like friends found him. As he fast-walked to his next class, he thought about Taehyung and how kind he was, minus the fact he keeps calling this Yoongi kid a rat... but by the sound of it he should keep his distance.

He just has to play it safe for one last year and Jimin can finally go to college and get the heck out of his always changing house. This is going to be one interesting year.

~ ~ ~ ~
A/N: Hey everyone!! So glad to see people are enjoying this so far. I mean... I hope you guys are. No one commented yet so I'm not sure XP anyways next chapter is going to be a bit depressing so yay~ Idk thanks for reading! See you all next chapter!!

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