Epilogue | Years

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It's surprising how five years can go by in just a flash. Jimin just stood, waiting for his bus to go audition for another company trying to get in. He wasn't the best singer; he knew that. Still, he knew he could dance.

He sighed, unlocking his phone to see a text. A text from someone he hasn't heard from in what seemed like forever. He was already in tears seeing the name.

How's things going? I know we promised ourselves we were going to keep in touch but with you doing many auditions and me writing these stories it got hectic. So weird question I guess... How are you doing?

Jimin smiled to the text, so happy to hear from Yoongi in over a year. Yoongi decided to work towards being an author. His many stories about his depression and how he got dug out of his hole really struck a chord with many people.

Of course, Jimin took a huge part of a story so that was the last time he heard from Yoongi. He still remembered Yoongi asking him permission to share their story to the world to help others out of their darkness.

In short, Yoongi became a huge inspiration while Jimin was still struggling with two part-time jobs and no one accepting him into any companies.

Really great to hear from you Hyung. Your right we really did get busy! I saw your book did great and is helping a lot of people!! Congrats :) As to how I'm doing, I'm getting by. With all my auditions I'm getting nowhere. How about you?

Jimin locked his phone to go on the bus towards his first job. Working in retail was a hard job, but it paid most of the bills. Hearing from Yoongi sparked his interest in how the whole group was doing.

He knew Jin and Namjoon broke off after Namjoon graduated but it was for the best. Jin made his own cafe while Namjoon was working hard to be a teacher. The two really did work hard to make their dreams a reality and yet, here Jimin was struggling to get by.

Then there was Taehyung and Jungkook. For all he knew, Jungkook moved in with Taehyung after he graduated the following year and the two were working hard. Jimin wasn't too sure if Taehyung decided to stick with his whole acting dream or not so he decided to text him to see how he was doing.

The video chats that they promised to do soon became non-existent as everyone had a life. It seemed it was only Jimin who was online just waiting to see if someone remembered the chat. Going to his job, he sat at the register knowing it was going to be a slow day.

He then felt his phone vibrate.

Yeah, the book is doing well. Thanks again for allowing me to write our story. It got me to thinking if we wanted to meet up again? I'm coming to your area for an interview and book signing. Want to talk?

Jimin was really happy to hear this. He quickly texted back.

I'd love to! Hyung I miss you so much!! When are you in my area?

Now, actually. Want to try and go for some coffee like the old days ;)

Jimin chuckled, remembering all the times they went for coffee. Just remembering holding his hand warmed his heart. How he missed the touch and voice of Yoongi.


He missed Yoongi's voice so much that he could've sworn a customer sounded like him. Jimin looked to the customer and his jaw dropped. Yeah, he was going crazy. Yoongi was standing there, clothes in hand ready to check out.

He blinked, trying to see if the illusion went away, but it didn't. "Yoongi?" he finally asked.

Yoongi gave Jimin the biggest gummy smile he's seen in years as tears dropped off his cheeks, "Oh my god."

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