12 | Snapchat

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Ding. Jungkook quickly unlocked his phone to see that his Snapchat friend messaged him.

Morning man!
Sorry if I freaked you out yesterday about us going to the same school
Can I at least ask you who you are?

Jungkook felt his heart ache. As much as he wanted to tell this person who he was, he knew it would lead him to trouble.

I'm sorry...

Jungkook sighed putting on his outfit for the day. Yesterday was pretty good despite Yoongi not being there.

Well, do you want to know who I am??

As tempting as it was, he knew it wasn't a good idea. He should've lied to this guy. He never expected for this guy to go to the same school.

As tempting as that is, I think it'd be safe for us not to know.

He gets off the bus to get to his locker, looking down as usual. He can't bring himself to look at people's faces.

Not noticing where he was going, he bumped into someone. He looked up in horror. Great, not the one he wanted to see this early.

He so happened to knock into the blonde senior who always messed with him and Yoongi. The blonde turned to him, looking up from his phone. He sent something and stuffed his pocket with his phone.

"Look where you're going, punk!" He yelled, pushing him harsh against the lockers.

Jungkook hissed in pain as his phone slid out of his pocket from the blow. Ding. It lit up from a notification.

He tried to quickly grab it but was too slow. "Awww does little junior here have a girlfriend or something?" He cooed mockingly shaking the phone in front of him.

Jungkook tried to snatch it from him, "Give it back." He said.

The senior slyly smiled to him and looked at the phone to see who it was.

His eyes shoot open as the phone slides from his hand onto the floor. Jungkook grabbed it.

Why did he look so shocked? Jungkook looked to his lock screen to see 'VGucci sent you a snap'.

The senior shockingly covered his mouth, "I-it was you?" He whispered.

Jungkook's heart dropped as he figured it out. No, please tell him this was just a dream!

His eyes meet with conflicting eyes, "I'm...so sorry." He quickly turned on his heel to quickly run into the bathroom.

Half of Jungkook wanted to follow him while the other half was telling him to run.

He went to the door and heard faint sobs as he opened the door quietly. The senior that was recently bullying him was huddled in a ball leaning against the wall. His head buried into his lap.

"U-um." Was all he could get out. He didn't know what to say or what to do. He just found out he was crushing on his high school bully.

"Just go away." the blonde cried into his lap.


"I said go!" He pushed Jungkook's leg back, but he didn't budge. "Damn it. Fine, go ahead. Laugh all you want. Taehyung is a Gucci gay fanboy." He then angrily blurted thru his tears.

"I never said that?" Jungkook needed all the help he could get. Why did he feel bad for him?

Taehyung sniffles and rubs the back of his hand to his nose. Jungkook quickly grabs a paper towel to hand to him. Reluctantly he took it and used it as a tissue. After blowing his nose he muttered a thanks.

The two were silent, unsure where to take this. "I understand now." Taehyung muttered as his lips formed a sad smile.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook sat next to him, his back against the wall.

"Why you didn't want to tell me who you were." He answered.

"Oh." Was all he could muster.

"Let's... just forgot this ever happened?" He offered but it hurt to hear.

"Is...that what you want?" Jungkook bit the inside of his cheek trying to keep tears that were threatening to fall.

"I don't know..." He tugged his legs closer to his chest. "I'm sorry. I'm sure you were thinking it was someone else. What a disappointment."

"Yeah..." Jungkook adverted his eyes. His heart was beating so hard, "I guess I am. Who would know I was talking to my bully. It makes me wonder... What side of you was I talking to."

This confused Taehyung, "What are you talking about?"

Jungkook laughed almost in a mocking way as he stood up, strangely feeling strong enough to say, "What side of you is a lie? The bully side or the chat side?" Not wanting an answer, Jungkook left the bathroom to get his stuff as usual.

At lunch, he looked at his phone while eating his sandwich. Glaring at the notification, he didn't know if he wanted to know what was sent by him.

"What's with you?" He heard his hyung ask as he set his tray down.

"Oh, nothing. Just thinking." Jungkook said.

"About this Snapchat buddy of yours?" He asked taking a bite of his sandwich.

Well it wasn't a lie in a sense. Taehyung was constantly on his mind throughout the day. "Something like that."

"Are you sure you don't like him?"

Jungkook held the urge to spit out his drink but somehow held it in. The thought of him liking Taehyung? Yeah right, Yoongi was out of his mind.

"Hyung! I already told you no!!" He exclaimed, visually flushed.

Yoongi's lips tightened into a smile. "Sure, Kookie. Whatever you say." He then took another bite and looked up to Jungkook with wide eyes.

"Sorry I didn't mean to call you that." He then quickly apologized.

Jungkook shook his head and gave Yoongi a warm smile, "No, I liked it."

Near the end of the day, Jungkook laid on his bed staring at the notification. He sighed in defeat and opened it.

Well, regardless I hope we can be friends.

Tears hit his hand. Why did fate have to work out this way? He soon regretted opening the chat as he saw,

VGucci is typing

A/N: Heeeeey~ So, I decided to start Jungkook's storyline here. I had a really tough time figuring out what to name Jungkook for his Username. If you have any ideas, please tell me! I'd like to change it but couldn't think of anything better. Thanks for all the support! <3

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