1 | Rough Beginnings

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Alarm screams were not the best ways of waking up in the morning, as Yoongi slammed his hand down on the clock. He was pissed to put it lightly. His eyebrows furrowed together as he sighed annoyingly as he got his stuff ready for school.

Yoongi wasn't really into school but was forced to go anyways. It wasn't like he really learned anything. He looked into his mirror to see a horror story staring back. His eyes had trechorous bags under them and his black hair was just a mess.

He groaned as he finger-combed his hair to look somewhat presentable, not like anyone would care. Going downstairs he saw his father reading the newspaper, as usual. Not even looking up, he greeted his son.

"Do not stomp your feet down the stairs. This is your Senior Year. At least do good this year." He grumpily said.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and grabbed a bagel to take up to his room. He ate it and sat on his bed. How he just wanted to lay back down and take the sweet bliss of sleep. Grabbing his bag, he went outside to his bus stop.

The bus shortly came after and he stepped in. Being one of the last stops, most of the seats were taken. Not many students allowed him to sit next to him either. He sighed, seeing an open seat next to a kid he didn't recognize.

"Can I sit here? Or will there be an explosion if I do?" He sarcastically asked.

The orange haired boy's blue eyes looked at him in confusion, "Sure?" Yoongi sat down, leaving plenty of room between the two. The boy smiled at him and held out his hand, "I'm Park Jimin, by the way. What's your name?"

Yoongi looked this boy in confusion. Why was he treating him nicely? He wanted to shake his hand, but he was too awkward to take it.

"Yo, Jimin. Ya sure you want to do that man?" One of the kids sitting behind them asked. "You'll probably get a disease from the rat."

Yoongi looked away from Jimin in embarrassment as Jimin took his hand away. Already day one and he already got a new nickname.

~ ~ ~ ~

A/N: Soooo, yeah. I kinda got inspired to write another BTS fanfic. This one will be a bit different since it'll be my first time writing a depression story. I more-so did this for a challenge to take my writing to the next level. *cough*andI like to ship Yoonmin *cough*

Feel comfortable with leaving any comments down below. Criticism is welcome ^w^ Please don't expect this story to update often. Thank you and I hope you all will enjoy this fanfic!

~ ArtisticWind

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