29 | Don't Say It's True

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Jimin slowly walked into his house from the bus Friday night to see boxes out.

His heart dropped, the all-too-familiar look of moving.

His mom came out to give Jimin a saddened smile, "Welcome home, dear."

"Mom...please tell me this isn't what I think it means." Jimin pleaded.

His mom sighed, "I'm sorry dear but your father -"

"Don't give me that crap!" Jimin yelled tears already falling. Nonono he cannot move now. Everything in his life was...perfect.

Of course.

Jimin laughed to himself, of course the world would be this cruel. He finally felt like he was home with his great friends...and Yoongi. "We can't move."

His mom was obviously fighting back tears, "I'm sorry but your father needs this job."

"Mom...no. I'm a senior! Can't this wait?" He was praying for the answer to be yes.

"They need him now, dear."

Jimin was furious, "No! We have to stay! I can't leave!"


"We always do this! I get comfortable in a new house and school to then have it be wiped away. Mom this school is different! I want to...no need to stay."


"No, I'm not done. You know why I don't want to leave? Because I love it here. I have great amazing friends and I have an amazing boy-"

He stopped there. His parents didn't know he was gay since they never had time for him.

"Amazing what?" His father walked out, unamused.

Jimin let his tears fall, "Boyfriend! Amazing boyfriend! There I said it! I'm gay and I have a boyfriend!" He screamed. In a furry, he quickly grabbed his bag, stuffed his phone in his pocket and stormed out of the house.

"Jimin!" He heard, but he slammed the door and walked furiously. To where he had no clue. He just was mad at everything.

He didn't want to leave... not when he had his happy life here. He'd destroy Yoongi if he left.

Finding himself walking to Yoongi's house, he stopped. He had to tell him...but he didn't know how. He just needed comfort. So, drenched in tears, he went up to the door and knocked.

Yoongi's mom opened the door and her cheerful smile turned to a worried frown.

"Jimin? Dear, what's wrong?" She asked worriedly.

"I...I..." He couldn't say anything, he only cried. It's all he could do.

"It's okay honey, just come inside." She made room for him and he slumped into the house. His body flopped down on the couch as he then cried into his hands. "I'll go get Yoongi."

Just hearing the name made his heart sting. There was no denying it... He had to move.

"Jimin?" He heard a few moments later, to then feel the couch move as Yoongi sat next to him.

"Chim, what's wrong?" He asked pulling the crying boy into his chest.

"They-They..." He spat out, finding words hard.

"Take it slow, your fine." Yoongi ran his hand thru Jimin's hair, a thing that made Jimin relax to small sniffles.

"M-my parents...are moving." He cried into his shirt. Yoongi stayed quiet, probably trying to process what Jimin said. So, he continued, "I don't want to move." He cried.

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