34 | Unclear Future

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Jimin sighed as he slowly opened his eyes to look at his grades. He smiled widely as he saw he had all passing grades. "Yes! I passed!" Jimin shouted, standing up in excitement.

"That's great, Jimin." Taemin giggled at him as he sat back down at the lunch table. He only had english and gym left and he knows he passed gym. Jimin was very fortunate to have met Taemin when he moved.

He was the one who showed him around the school and helped him get to know so many great people. Jimin pulled out his phone to shoot his boyfriend a text.

Hey Yoongi! Guess what?! I passed! I only have english class left.

That's great to hear, Chim. Congrats! I passed everything too, no thanks to Namjoon and Taehyung's help with that final paper. Just have to wait for science.

I'm sure you did great <3 Can't wait to see you graduate!

Same here, Jimin.

Jimin smiled fondly at his phone, excited to be able to see his boyfriend graduate. "So Jimin, what are you going to do after you graduate?" Taemin asked as he finished up his chicken patty.

Jimin froze. What did he want to do?  Yeah, he wanted to finally move to be on his own, but he wasn't sure about the rest. He was thinking of going on to college but for what, he wasn't sure. Jimin liked to dance so he was thinking of pursuing in it, but it was a risk.

He also didn't know what Yoongi wanted to do or if they'll still be together. Jimin chocked up a bit at the thought. Jimin didn't want to break up with Yoongi. He loved him too much to let him go.

Could they move in together? Would he want that? Will they be too busy to even go out on dates?

So many questions flooded his mind as he felt himself being shaken. He blinked out of his stare as he looked to Taemin, "Sorry what?"

"Jimin, dude you were staring at your food for like five minutes. What's on your mind dude?" Taemin asked in worry.

"Oh, sorry... I guess I didn't really think of what I wanted to do in the future... Maybe go to college?" Jimin explained as he finished his patty.

"Hey, that's cool! I wish you luck man. Don't stress yourself too much over the matter. I'm sure things will fall into place as they come." Taemin patted his shoulder in comfort.

Jimin smiled fondly to his friend, very happy to have him. "Thanks a lot, Taemin."

Yoongi sighed as he locked his phone as he took another bite of his hoagie. A lot has been on his mind. Sure, he and Jimin were graduating...but what did that have in tell for their future? Yoongi had no clue what he really wanted to do. He was thinking if college was for him, but he felt he would be too lazy for the big step.

He's noticed how he wrote a lot recently when he felt lonely or upset. He used words to calm him down. He always wrote as a distraction when he had a small urge to do the unthinkable.

"Hyung, what's the matter?" He heard Jungkook ask.

"Oh, sorry Kookie. Just, I guess thinking of the future." Yoongi said.

Jungkook nodded, "Yeah, it must be hard to be thinking about that. I'm not really sure about what I want to do yet either."

Yoongi's lips turned to a small smile, "You still have a year to go, Kookie. Don't rush it."

The group ate in silence as the unfamiliar feeling of dread rolled over them. Just in a few days, they'll graduate and go their own ways.

They'll never see each other ever again. It was a scary thought for Yoongi. He was so tired of losing everything. "When we graduate, can we still stay in contact?" he then heard Taehyung say.

Everyone quickly agreed and promised that they'd video call once every other week and they all made sure they had their Skype contacts. It was very exciting for school to end, but scary all in the same.

Everything that was etched in their head from their schedules to friendships would be changed by the change of a tassel. Some will go on and try and get jobs while others pursue more knowledge in college.

Yoongi was honestly scared but he didn't want it to consume him. He wanted to see where his future lied with Jimin. Somewhere in his clouded mind, he wished that he and Jimin could maybe live together. Yoongi quickly pushed the idea out since he knew Jimin had to move on.

Jimin was smart and deserved so much more. He should go to a big college and then get a very good job and then eventually find someone who can make him feel like he's the most precious jewel in the world.

That's what Jimin deserved. Not some depressed teenager who doesn't want to go to college and is still struggling to keep his dark thoughts out of his head.

Yoongi couldn't fall asleep. He just stared at his ceiling. He didn't want to let go of Jimin but he felt like he was holding him back. Yoongi couldn't hold him back... He deserved so much in life.

Tears pricked his eyes as he knew that they won't last forever. He has to break up with Jimin... Jimin needs to have no strings attached so he can fly free.

It's what Jimin deserves after all he's done for Yoongi.

A/N: Hey! So... I think next chapter will be the end? I'm honestly not sure... This story's going longer than I thought. I hope you guys are liking it... And I hope you guys don't kill me for this chapter.

This is so true when you're getting close to graduating. It's honestly a scary yet exciting time. I graduated High School and I remember how much my emotions were all tangled up. Idk I'm rambling. See you guys next chapter~

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