21 | Nowhere To Run

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Warnings: This chapter contains graphic violence, swearing, name calling and abuse. If you are uncomfortable with this, please wait until next chapter. P.S. It's bad... Thank you.

Yoongi sighs at the door to his house, knowing it'll just be his dad on the other side of the door. He opens the door to find the familiar smell of beer. Grimacing at the overwhelming smell, Yoongi tries to slip to his room without his father noticing, but to no avail.

"Ah, it's you." he heard the all-too-familiar low growl as his father unsteadily made his way towards Yoongi.

Yoongi harshly gets pinned against the wall, his bag dropping out of his hand. His dad's breath reeked of alcohol as the madman looked at Yoongi's feared eyes. 

"Dad, stop," Yoongi begged, but knew it meant nothing as soon as he got forced to the ground.

"You're a fucking disgrace," His dad yells, kicking Yoongi in the stomach. All the air was forced out of Yoongi, and he found it hard to get up. "Fucking man up, no wonder you get bullied at school, you pussy."

Yoongi didn't know what to do, he felt hopeless. The man grabs tightly around Yoongi's neck, picking him up as Yoongi struggles to get free. He claws at the hand as he struggled to breath. The man just laughed at him, "You're a fucking useless son. Go fucking die already. You're just a wasted space." He then throws him against the wall once more.

Yoongi gasps as he was finally able to breathe but quickly was pinned against the wall roughly being shaken. "Yoongi!" he yelled, but the voice sounded...different?

More violent shaking, "G-get off of me!" Yoongi defended, trying to make the man stop shaking him.

"Yoongi, wake up!" He gasps, sitting up in his bed. His heart raced as his breath was ragid.

He tries to catch his breath, closing his eyes in the process. 'It was just a dream.' he told himself and looked over to Jimin. The boy's face was showing pure worry to the other.

"Yoongi, are you okay?" he asked. "It looked like you were having a nightmare."

Flashes of what happened Friday still lingered in his brain. Tears stung his eyes as everything once again replayed in his mind. His dad was right, he wasn't strong; he never will be.

"Yoongi..." he then heard Jimin softly say as he pulled him into a hug, which Yoongi quickly took. Wetting the other's shirt as he gripped tight. He was so afraid, he couldn't let go.

"I'm sorry." he found himself crying. He hated how weak he felt, but somehow in Jimin's arms, he felt safe.

"Shhh..." Jimin shushed him, rubbing Yoongi's back softly, "Everything's okay."

"I...I can't." Yoongi was unaware of what he wanted to say. In a way, he meant it in two ways. He can't sleep anymore, for he knew he'd get the same nightmare. He also couldn't find himself without Jimin, for he knew he'd probably go straight back into that bathroom and do the same thing...for he just wants the pain to go away.

The two were quiet in the hug, with faint sniffles from Yoongi. "You...want me to sleep with you?" Jimin asks, a hint of nervousness in his voice.

Yoongi wanted to say no, for he knew it would be weird...but his heart was telling him yes. He knew he couldn't fall asleep alone. He wasn't strong enough to do so.

So, with all the strength he had, Yoongi silently nodded. The two slid in the blankets as Yoongi's face felt hot. He couldn't believe he was sleeping with Park Jimin. He laid down, back towards Jimin to make it less awkward.

The pink-haired boy pulls Yoongi closer, his back against Jimin's chest. Yoongi didn't understand why, but he felt safe...and at peace.

"This...okay?" he heard Jimin softly ask. Not able to find his voice, Yoongi once again just nodded as he mentally tried to quiet his beating heart. Strangely he felt at home being snuggled up against Jimin, although, it felt a bit weird for Jimin being the only one snuggling.

So, Yoongi turns to face Jimin and the two look at each other wide-eyed. Yoongi felt his face burn up as he snuggled his face into Jimin's chest. Jimin softly laughs at this action and puts his arm around Yoongi.

This position was much better. Jimin's scent was relaxing, coaxing Yoongi to sleep.

A/N: Sorry it's a bit short... I hope this wasn't too bad. Recently, the WattPad app was giving me problems with saving this story so I apologize for having it come out later than expected... That's all!! Thank you!

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