30 | Moving Away

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Jimin sat on his bed staring blankly at the empty room. This was way too familiar at this point but this move hurt the most.

He heard a knock for his mom to enter. "Hey, Jimin." She said, sitting next to him in the bed. He stayed quiet, still staring at the wall.

"I know this is hard for you but please understand we try our best. Without your dad's job, we wouldn't be able to support you financially."

Jimin sighed, he knew it was true but it still hurt. "I know...just I don't want to move."

She pulled him into a side hug which he closed his eyes with the comfort. "I know. Jimin I...I just want to tell you how proud I am of you."

This confused Jimin, "What do you mean?"

"Every time we moved, you just accepted it as faith. But, this time.." she started to sniffle, "this time you found a place you don't want to let go. And I wish I could do anything to have you stay here Jimin. You deserve to be happy with Yoongi."

Jimin joined her in sniffling for he never really heard her get sad. "And we are so busy trying to pay for every bill plus food that we don't get the time to be with you. We never were around for you to feel comfortable with telling us that you're gay."

That was true, he never had time come out because it always seemed like they didn't care.

"But I just wish things didn't have to be this way. I want you to be happy...and we have to tear it away from you."

"Mom..." Jimin said, letting his tears fall. Hearing this, Jimin understood that his parents did care for him. They tried their best at making Jimin happy even when they themselves were not sure if things were going to be ok.

"Yoongi and I are still dating...its just going to be hard to be away from him."

"Also, I should be the one apologizing. I should have handled the news differently. Instead, I got angry and came out in anger."

"Jimin I understand why you were angry so there's nothing to worry about. But, I should tell you that Yoongi will be here tomorrow to say goodbye."

Jimin smiled sadly, "Thanks, mom."

The next day, the car was packed and the moving truck was ready to go. Yoongi was standing outside in his jacket as the cold air bit at his face. He was joined by the whole group who also bundled up because of the cool weather.

Jimin was fighting back his tears as he embraced his boyfriend. "I'll miss you."

"We have each other's numbers, I made a Snapchat account, and we even have Facebook. Jimin, we're going to be ok." Yoongi said. He put his hand under Jimin's chin to bring his eyes to Yoongi's.

His hot breath fanned against his cold face and the two leaned forward for a long kiss.

The last kiss they will have for a while.

After breaking, the two were crying. "I love you so much, Jimin." Yoongi cried.

"I love you too, Yoongi." He pulled him into a tight hug, wishing to never let go. He then gave long hard hugs to his friends that he felt he knew for a long time.

"Talk to you soon, Kookie. Treat Tae well."

"We'll talk again, Namjoon."

"Pleasure to meet you, Jin. Sorry I had to leave so soon."

He then stopped at Taehyung who was drenched in tears as well. He hugged his best friend hard, "I'm gonna miss you, Jiminie." Taehyung muffled into Jimin's already damp shirt.

"I will too...Please stay in touch, Tae. Maybe I can come up to see you all graduate." He said.

He soon had to get into the car as he waived to his group of friends, keeping his eyes more-so on Yoongi as the group slowly started to become small blurs to then nothing at all.

Jimin found himself falling asleep as he was then awoken by his mom. "Jimin, we're here." She gives a weak smile. The house they had was a bit smaller than the house he was at before.

He grabbed his one bag of luggage and backpack and joined his parents to the door. They went into the new place to call home.

His parents showed him his room and he dropped his stuff looking at the empty room. He closed the door and slid down it, hugging his knees close. He already missed Yoongi.

He looked at his phone. 9:45 pm. Should still be a good time. Clicking the contact, he called Yoongi on Messenger.

Yoongi's face came up seconds later, "Hey." He gave a small smile.

Jimin smiled as he felt his eyes sting with tears. "H-hey. We made it to the house."

"That's good to hear."

"YOONGI-HYUNG! IS THAT JIMIN?!" Jimin heard yelling on Yoongi's end. Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Yes, Jungkook." He simply replied. Soon, Jungkook zoomed into the frame and waived.

"Hey hyung!" he smiled.

Jimin laughed at the ball of energy, "Hi Jungkook."

"You make it to the new house?" he asked, sitting next to Yoongi.

"Yeah, but it's pretty empty." Jimin said.

"Jimin can you help us get some stuff in?!" he heard his mom yell from the living room.

"Yes, mom! Be right there!" He called out to his mom and looked back to his phone. "Sorry guys, but I gotta get some stuff in. I'll maybe talk to you guys later?"

Jungkook nodded, "Alright, hyung! Bye~"

Yoongi smiled, "Talk to you soon, Jimin."

The call ended and he helped drag in furniture and boxes. Soon their new place started looking like a home but didn't feel like one.

Jimin's home was far away, still with Yoongi. He just promised himself to finish senior year. Then, he'll graduate, go see Yoongi and the others graduate and then move over there to go to college.

He had everything planned and hoped his plan would stay that way.

A/N: Hey! So, I don't usually do self-promos very often but I just started a new book called 'Colored Love' which is a TaeKook story. I don't want to say much about it, but check it out if ya want! ^w^

Again, I want to thank you all for the votes! I miss your comments, though... I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing? Oh well, I'll keep on writing since I love this fanfic! >w<

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