15 | Can't Hide

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Yoongi didn't get up for school. He couldn't bring himself to do so. All weekend he locked himself in his room until his mom forced him out to eat.

The door slammed open, "Min Yoongi! You are going to school, right this instant!" His mom took off his covers after blinding him with his light.

"You aren't sick, so get a move on! Just because your a senior doesn't mean you get to skip." His mom leaves to pack a small breakfast for him to eat as Yoongi gets dressed.

Events from Friday still haunted him. Jimin staring at him in worry begging for an answer Yoongi didn't even know. Why did Yoongi hurt himself?

He ate a granola bar on the way to his bus stop getting there on time to board it. He saw his normal seat open and Jimin sitting behind it.

He noted two things, Jimin was trying to not look up at him and he had a new hair color. He never imagined Jimin to dye his hair pink but it suited him well.

Yoongi sat down and just as usual went thru the day. A few things seemed to change around the school. Instead of having Taehyung bully him, his friends started to take on the role.

Secondly, Jungkook was starting to become very quiet. He is a quiet guy, but Yoongi could tell something happened.

In science, the boys handed in their project and kept their eyes away from the other.

To be honest, Yoongi hated it. In a way, he started to like Jimin's company; the little he had.

Yoongi looked down at his phone on the bus, looking at Jimin's contact. Taking a huge breath of air in and out, he clicked on the message button.

Hey...can we talk?

Yoongi sighed locking his phone, surprised to feel it vibrate seconds later.

Right now? Sure what's up?

I was talking about face-to-face.

Oh. Want to meet somewhere Saturday?

Yoongi thought for a minute to make sure he was free and replied.

Sure, where and when?

Saturday 12 pm at the Dunkin Donuts near the school?

Ok see you then.

For Yoongi, Saturday couldn't come quicker. He looked at himself in the mirror making sure he looked presentable. Smiling to himself until he noticed how excited he felt.

Suddenly questions flooded his mind. What was this? A date? Why are you thinking it's a date?! What the hell was he going to say?

The last one stayed as he realized...he had to tell Jimin why.

He gave himself courage somehow as he stepped into the Dunkin Donuts seeing the pink-haired boy sitting down at a table near the window. Yoongi sighed, ordering a coffee and sitting across him.

Jimin looked up from his phone, their eyes locking before they looked away. "Hey." Was all Yoongi could say.

"Hi..." things were still weird between them, but Yoongi had a strange feeling he had to fix things.

"Sorry about last week... I didn't mean what I said."

Jimin looked confused, "About what?"

"About me hating you... All you were doing was trying to help."

"Oh." Jimin said, taking a sip of his drink, "Well, I should be the one apologizing for being so nosy and persistent." Jimin kindly smiled to Yoongi.

He shook his head though, "It's what I needed. I..." Yoongi made his right hand into a fist trying to keep his emotions steady, "It's going to sound weird, but I never had anyone worry about me like that."

Jimin looked shocked, "I can't imagine that. I'm sure your parents care for you."

To this Yoongi could only scoff, "Yeah, to then I'm just a disappointment."

Jimin looked down to the table, "I'm sorry. I don't really get to see my parents often since they are always working so I never had that problem."

Yoongi nodded in understanding, "It must be rough not seeing them."

The other just shrugged, "Kinda got used to it. In a way, it made it easier for me to come out."

Yoongi froze, did he hear right? "Come out?" He asked almost in disbelief.

Jimin nodded, "Yeah, I'm gay." The two were quiet for a bit, and Yoongi could tell that Jimin grew nervous, "Sorry does that make you uncomfortable?"

"No no no! Not at all! I'm just surprised you had the strength to do so. I can't bring myself to do that since it'll be more of a disappointment." Yoongi then sadly said. It's true, he knew his dad was homophobic so telling him would just result in him being kicked out, or worse.

"Hold up...your gay?" Jimin asked, his turn to be in disbelief.

Yoongi froze as he just noticed he told his secret to Taehyung's best friend. 'Shit.' Was all he could think as he got flustered all the same.

"Yeah, just don't tell anyone. I don't need people making fun of me for that as well." Yoongi was surprised with himself with being so open. Then he realized...

He liked it when Jimin smiled, when he laughed, how cute he looked when he was flustered, how beautiful his eyes were and how his hair fell perfectly on his face.

Yoongi didn't hate Jimin. No, this was way worse. He had a crush on Park Jimin

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry about the update. I accidentally hit the 'Publish' button on my phone when I was writing this. I updated some spelling and grammar errors. Sorry for the confusion! Hope you guys are enjoying this!!

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