9 | Project Gone Wrong

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'Why am I even here?' Was Yoongi's first thought when he was looking at the house in front of him. Did he even know if this was Jimin's house?

He sighed, 'He didn't look good but yet wanted to get this done.' He thought as he exited his car. Yoongi did like how Jimin wanted to work together, but he didn't know Jimin was so desperate that he'd do the project while sick.

Well, Yoongi was here anyway. He took a deep breath and pushed the doorbell.

Not even a minute later, the door opens. Yoongi looks up at the orange-haired boy and was taken back. He looked....really good.

Noticing his thought, Yoongi shyly looked down cursing his mind for thinking something like that. "You came! Come in." Jimin exclaimed, letting Yoongi step inside.

Yoongi was taken back at the large household. Jimin had an open living room that leads to the kitchen and dining room with a hallway leading to bedrooms. It felt more like home than his own house.

Jimin's parents, what Yoongi could guess was his parents anyways, looked to the door. Almost like they studied him. Yoongi felt self-conscious. 

"Mom, dad, this is Yoongi. He's a classmate of mine. We're doing a group project. If you need anything, we'll be in my room." Jimin then explained before leading Yoongi to his room.

Walking into Jimin's room Yoongi was taken back again. The room was so clean and organized.

"I don't really have a desk yet. Are you ok with sitting on the floor?" Jimin asked nervously shifting his weight to his other leg.

Yoongi didn't really answer, he more so shrugged setting his bag down to then sit on the floor.

Jimin blinked at him and then grabbed his stuff. They worked pretty fast for a while but Yoongi couldn't shake off the feeling that Jimin was pushing a bit too much.

Yoongi wanted this project to get done fast too but not to the extent that Jimin dies in the middle of it.

Yoongi glanced at his face. It looked paler than normal, and his eyes looked like they were struggling to focus.

"Jimin, you don't look too good." He stated the obvious.

Jimin's eyes looked to Yoongi. "I'm fine Yoongi." He brushed him off going back to their papers, "Let's just get this done."

Yoongi snatched the papers from Jimin and then turned them over way on his right. "Look, I want to get this done too, but you can't keep doing this."

Jimin looked at him confused, "Yoongi I said I'm fine."

"Jimin you're not fine." Yoongi put the papers in the folder. "We can finish it on Monday. It looks like we are almost done anyways."

Jimin looked away from Yoongi, "Right..."

Yoongi sighed, getting up from his sitting spot, "I guess I'll be going then?" He said almost in a question.

Jimin stood up to walk him out but lost balance once again. Yoongi never moved that fast in his life, somehow miraculously catching Jimin as his legs gave out.

"Oh my god, are you ok?!" He asked shocked. Jimin seemed shocked as well but he seemed so out of it. Yoongi couldn't resist the urge to put his hand on the boys head.

Feeling heat from his forehead, Yoongi knew he had a fever. Using all his strength, he helped Jimin stand up.

"Here, lean on me." He said. Jimin seemed to hesitate before putting his arm over Yoongi.

Yoongi wrapped his arm around him and lead him to his bed. Jimin crashed on it slowly pulling his legs up with a groan.

"Sorry..." He said facing away from him.

Yoongi shrugged, "It's not your fault. Really, you shouldn't have pushed yourself so much. I would've understood you pushing the date back."

Jimin softly laughs, "Yeah, sure."

"I'll be back." Yoongi navigates to the kitchen to find Jimin's parents were not there anymore. He shrugged it off finding a glass and filling it with water.

He brought it back to Jimin, "Here, sit up." Jimin glanced at Young before he struggled to sit up.

Yoongi handed him the water, "Drink." He commanded.

Jimin hesitated as he looked back and forth from the glass to Yoongi to then finally take it and drink from it.

Finishing it, he looked at the glass, "You know... you're not as bad as Taehyung says you are."

Yoongi flinched back in confusion. What the hell? What does he mean by that?

Jimin weakly smiles, "You seem kind." He looks up to Yoongi with a soft expression.

For some reason, Yoongi didn't want to leave Jimin's side. He made sure if he wanted water as the two just chatted a bit about their lives.

Yoongi learned Jimin was always moving with his parents due to his dad's job and since the two constantly are working, he never got close to them. That would explain why his parents weren't in the kitchen.

"How about you tell me something about yourself?" Jimin said.

"Um...what do you want to know?"

Jimin seems to think a bit, "The first day on the bus." He started, " You asked you could sit next to me. Then said about exploding?"

Yoongi laughed at himself for that line, "Yeah, what about it?"

Jimin looked to him, "Why'd you say that?"

Yoongi had to think a bit, "I don't know. I guess I was just used to people not wanting me to sit with them... I just asked thinking you'd be the same." That sounded quite harsh. "It's not like it mattered anyway since you now sit with Taehyung." His heart physically ached at that last statement.

Jimin seemed hurt by that too, "I'm sorry.... If it makes it up to you, I thought you were a mean person."

Yoongi looked to Jimin quizitively, "What do you mean by that?" He almost laughed.

"Don't hate me," Jimin said. Yoongi nodded to tell him to continue. "Taehyung and them kinda... told me stories. You apparently stole money from a freshman last year?"

"That never happened, that kid just blew rumors around." Yoongi sat down next to the bed, leaning his back against the frame. "He, I guess, was putting his wallet away when I accidentally knocked into him and when I went to pick up his wallet to give it to him-"

"He said you were trying to steal it..." Jimin finished. "Jeeze what a loser."

Hearing that for some reason made Yoongi smile, "It happens. Anyways you really should get some rest." Yoongi stated.

"Is it weird that I don't want to?" Jimin asked.

This made another smile return to Yoongi's lips, "A bit, yeah."

"You...want to stay over tonight?"

Yoongi froze. His heart was telling him yes, but his brain was telling him no. Strangely he didn't want to stop talking to Jimin. Talking to him was easy and fun. But, now he worried. What if this was used against him?

Yoongi got up. "No, I promised my parents I'd be home tonight." Yoongi lied.

Jimin was a bit upset but still understood. "Thanks for coming over. Sorry for everything." Jimin said. Yoongi nodded as he grabbed his bags to start leaving. "Hey, Yoongi?"

Yoongi stopped at his doorway and turned around. Jimin smiled to him, "Thanks for staying with me."

For some reason, Yoongi felt butterflies flutter in his stomach as he felt his cheeks heat up, "N-no problem." He said before quickly turning to leave. He stopped. Yoongi should say something before he leaves, "Rest well."

He quickly left the house and started his car, hitting his head on the steering wheel. What the hell was wrong with him?!

A/N: Another long chapter XP I hope you guys are enjoying it! ^w^

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