32 | Ways To Say Sorry

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Warning: This chapter contains a bit of bullying. Enjoy~

Jungkook walked happily into school like every other day. Easter break flew by in a flash and he was excited to see Taehyung. He knew that his boyfriend would not be back until tomorrow as his family was away on a trip to celebrate Easter with his distant relatives.

Seeing Namjoon in the halls, he waived at him. "Good morning, hyung. How was break?"

Namjoon shyly smiled, "It was really good. Jin and I went on a date yesterday."

"Ooooh." Jungkook smiled, he was happy to see things working between the two. "How'd it go?"

"Really well, thanks for asking." the two walked to their lockers after saying a quick 'see you later'.

Things really were doing well. With Namjoon joining their group, it seems the bullying stopped altogether. He sighed, grabbing his books and was about to close his locker until it got slammed in front of his face.

He quickly looked to see Hoseok who was looking at him in a pissed manor. Oh great, he really didn't want to deal with this. "Yes?" he asked him, getting impatient.

Then, he noticed a tiny glimmer in Hoseok's eyes. Was he holding back tears? "C-can we talk...after school?" he then mumbled. Jungkook barely heard it but was shocked.

"U-um yeah I guess?" and with that, Hoseok nods and leaves to class. That was weird.

At lunch, he just played with his side salad. "Kookie?" Jungkook quickly looked up to see Namjoon looking at him confused.

"Sorry, what hyung?"

"You seem out of it... Did something happen?"

Jungkook sighed, he should tell the truth just in case something goes down south. "Hoseok requested that I talk to him later today."

"What?" Yoongi almost yelled, looking to him in shock. "Are you crazy?!"

"He seemed...hurt. I just want to know what he wants."

Namjoon nodded to this, especially since he knew Hoseok more than the others. "We'll give you thirty minutes. If we don't see you exit the school, we'll check on you."

Jungkook smiled, thanking the gods that he had such amazing friends. "Thank you hyung."

And soon, it was the end of the day. Jungkook sighed to himself, telling himself it was going to be okay. He closed his locker to notice Hoseok there. His eyebrows were furrowed as he gripped his bag tightly and his eyes were cast down to the side.

"So...?" Jungkook asked, curious what Hoseok wanted to say.

Hoseok bit his bottom lip and stayed silent. "I...I'm sorry."

"What?" Did he hear wrong?

The boy sighed in defeat and looked up to Jungkook. "I'm sorry."

"O-oh...okay?" Jungkook didn't know what to do. He noticed tears falling from Hoseok's eyes.

"Why? I just... don't understand what he sees in you?!" he then cried as he wiped his tears quickly away with his sleeve. The younger stayed silent, unsure what to say.

"Aaarg." Hoseok grabbed Jungkook's collar making him flinch at the quick action.

"I don't get it! Why does he like you?!" he angrily shook Jungkook's collar in his fists as tears still fell.


"Why...?" he then breaks down, putting his face into Jungkook's shirt. He was violently shaking as he cried.

Jungkook eventually caught on to the event and eventually embraced him. Hoseok's breath caught as he quickly swatted his arms away and breaking himself from the hug. "I don't need you to patronize me."

"I wasn't?" Jungkook nervously smiled. This was one weird emotional rollercoaster.

"Treat him well." Hoseok finally said after a long pause of silence. With that, he quietly turned to walk away.

"Did you...like him?" Jungkook courageously asked, thinking he finally understood what happened.

Hoseok stopped but didn't turn around. He didn't say a word as he then continued to walk away. Jungkook hit straight on the nail. Everything made sense to where the bullying from Hoseok came from.

Jungkook finally understood he was doing it out of anger. He quickly ran after him, "Hoseok?" he called.

The red-head stopped, looking to Jungkook. His eyes were shimmering under the hallway lights.

"I forgive you." Jungkook said with a soft smile.

Hoseok's face dropped to a shocked expression. Just then, Jungkook noticed Namjoon walking up the hallway. Was it thirty minutes already? "R-really?" Hoseok then said, making Jungkook look back to him.

Jungkook smiled, "Yeah...I think I understand." He then put his hand out for Hoseok. "Friends?"

He just looked at it, then back to Jungkook to make sure he wasn't tricking him to then shakingly take it. "Y-yeah..."

Jungkook pulled the older one into another hug, which Hoseok seemed to just stand stiff but he didn't care. He wanted to make sure Hoseok understood that he was not lying. "Thank you." Hoseok whispered.

Just like that, Hoseok joined their group of misfits.

"What the -?" Taehyung asked, shocked to see Hoseok sitting at their table. Jungkook smiled up to him, patting the open seat next to him. He didn't tell his boyfriend about yesterday because he wanted to surprise him.

Taehyung sat down, sitting in between his boyfriend and best friend. "Hoseok...what are you doing here?"

Hoseok shyly shrunk, "I-I'm sorry. I can leave if you want me to." He started to leave, but Taehyung grabbed his wrist.

"No, stay. I want to hear what's going on."

Hoseok explained to Taehyung what happened yesterday, leaving out the parts of him breaking down crying and basically confessing his feelings for the other.

Taehyung pulled his best friend into a tight hug which he took with a smile. "I'm so glad, hyung. Welcome back."

"Glad to be back." Hoseok said, burying his face in Taehyung's shoulder.

Jungkook's heart panged of jealousy but he pushed it down knowing the two needed this moment. He was happy to see his boyfriend happy and to finally see their group turn into a family.

All that was missing was Jimin...and he made sure to tell Jimin that night what happened. One thing seemed off though...

It was Yoongi. Yoongi seemed to be back at day one. Jungkook remembered the first day he met Yoongi like it was yesterday. He wished he could help Yoongi, but he didn't know how to. He could easily tell the boy was missing Jimin every day.

What to do...

A/N: Heyo~ Another chapter is done! I wanted to have redemption for Hoseok since I kinda felt bad for making him a bully. I hope you guys don't mind the subtle poke at V-Hope (TaeSeok? idk what their ship name is) but I thought of it as the reason why Hoseok bullied Jungkook.

Okay, see ya next chapter!!

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