31 | I Need You

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Yoongi sighed the bazillionth time of the day at his lunch table. He just sat there picking his food.

"Hyung?" he heard, as he looked up to Jungkook.

"Sorry, what?" Yoongi asked, taking a bite out of his food.

Jungkook looked at him in worry, "You doing okay?"

It would be lying if he said yes, but he had to get over the fact that Jimin was not here anymore. He won't see him on the bus, or at lunch, or in science. He sighed, "As okay as I can be." he said.

The table was quiet, unsure what to say. The Easter break was fast and they found themselves wanting the school year to go faster. They all wanted to see Jimin.

Yoongi's phone vibrated and he quickly looked at it. He smiled seeing it was Jimin.

Hey Yoongi! It's lunchtime here! How's lunch over there? School here is so boring! Tell the guys I said hi~

Lunch here is quiet without you here... Also, the guys say hi. Did you meet anyone there yet?

Yeah, actually! I met a lot of guys! I'll show you a picture of me and my new friend, Taemin.

Jimin:Yeah, actually! I met a lot of guys! I'll show you a picture of me and my new friend, Taemin

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Yoongi felt a bit jealous to say the least. Jimin already reset and here he was still depressed. He smiled though, happy that Jimin was doing okay.

The group decided to go out and eat pizza this weekend, so Yoongi was picked up by Taehyung as they met at the nearby pizza place.

Namjoon and Jin were sitting in a big booth already talking. Jin saw them and waved them over. Jungkook slid in first, followed by Taehyung and then Yoongi. He felt like he was missing something...

Oh, yeah... Jimin.

He sighed, as he just listened to his friends talking and complaining. "Senior year sucks!" Taehyung then commented. "My one teacher made me redo my one essay saying that I used the wrong text size. How did she even know?!"

Jin and Namjoon both shook their heads at him, and soon the pizza came.

Yoongi felt his phone vibrate once more so he got it out seeing Jimin was video calling him. He accepted it. Jimin's precious face popped up on his screen as he looked at his boyfriend.

He looked so sexy even through a screen. "Hey Jimin." he said.

The group stopped talking altogether and looked to Yoongi. "Hey Jimin!!!" they all said.

Yoongi smiled at the reaction, turning the phone screen to show them all.

"Hey, guys!" Jimin smiled. "What are you guys up to?" he asked.

"Eating pizza!" Taehyung exclaimed, chewing on his one slice. "And it's your favorite~"

Jimin gasped, "How dare you eat Chicken Bacon Ranch pizza without me! I thought we were friends?!"

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