Epilogue II | Love

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"Ok, that's a wrap!"

Taehyung sighed, getting off the coat he was modeling and putting it on the rack before cleaning his excessive make-up. Soon after his first year of college, he noticed that even though he liked to act, the degree wasn't for him.

He soon took a job for a small modeling company and started with small photoshoots here and there. If he was lucky, he'd get into a magazine for an ad. One of his biggest dreams was to model for Gucci, though he knew he'd never get there.

Still, he thanked all the members for their hard work and drove home. When he plopped on the couch, he saw a text from someone he's missed for so long.

Hey man! Been a while, no? I was wondering about you. How've you been? Still acting?

Taehyung smiles, still not believing at how long it's really been since he's talked to his so-called best friend. He felt terrible for not making time for him but his photoshoots were piling up.

Hey Jiminie! It has been a while!! Im really sorry i haven't contacted you in a while. Im not in acting anymore i'm actually a model. How about you?

Taehyung sighed, getting to the kitchen to start some food. He wasn't the best cook, but he knew with all his practice, he's gotten better. He heard the front door click and his eyes traveled to the front door.

There was a sweaty and tired Jungkook who was slipping off his shoes and barely making it through the door. "I'm home." he muttered, falling onto the couch with a huge sigh.

"How'd practice go?" he asked, bringing over two bowls of stir-fry veggies and two pairs of chopsticks.

"Thanks." He said, grabbing the one bowl. "And practice was alright. Honestly the dance they're trying to teach us is really hard."

Taehyung smiled, "Don't worry too much about it, you'll get it."

Jungkook was lucky enough to be accepted into a small company named BigHit to become an idol and he was still in his training years. Soon, the boy band he was apart of was going to put out their first release. Taehyung couldn't be more proud of his boyfriend for reaching such amazing heights.

"How was the photoshoot?" Jungkook asked, munching away at the stir-fry like a little bunny.

"Long but good. They were able to get a lot of good shots. They said the ad will be in the magazine in a few days." Taehyung smiled. The two boys finished their food and then cuddled on the couch.

With their very busy schedules, it was hard to have moments like this. So, the boys treasured their moments as much as they could both knowing that they loved each other very much. "So, do you have any free days coming up? I want to try and get a date set up so we can have a nice day together. I mean our anniversary is coming up, ya know."

Taehyung chuckled to this, "I'm free tomorrow, babe. How about you?"

Jungkook slapped his arm playfully, "I told you a million times not to call me babe!" His face was red as he continued, "And yeah, I'm free tomorrow as well. You know what that means?"

The two shared dirty looks to each other and ran into their bedrooms in a fit of giggles and soon moments of pleasure.

Morning came as the two were cuddled up under the blankets, trying to stay in the other's arms for just one more second.

"Tae...we should wake up."

"Noooo" He whined, bringing Jungkook closer to him, "Five more minutes."

"Tae...if we sleep all day we won't get to go on a date..." Jungkook reasoned as Taehyung whined once more but sat up.

"You doing alright?" he asked as he got dressed.

Jungkook smiled lovingly to him, getting up as well, "Doing just fine." He pecked his cheek and got dressed as well. The two held hands walking out to just walk around. They really didn't have any particular place they wanted to go. They were just happy to be together.

They decided after a full day of exploring and eating they found purchase on a bench looking at the night sky awakening. "Hey, Taehyung?"


Jungkook put his head on his boyfriend's shoulder, "Happy six-year anniversary." he said as he grasped his hand.

"Happy six-year anniversary to you too, Jungkook." Taehyung put his head on top of his as they stared at the stars. Millions of constellations forming as the two sat in peace.

"You know... I've been thinking. Do you want to get married?"

Taehyung smiled, "Yeah, but it seems that time isn't on our side for one. I mean with you almost debuting and me doing all these photoshoots... I'm so scared that I won't be able to see you."

Jungkook looked up at him, "We'll find time. We always did. Trust in our love, Tae... I don't want to lose you." His embrace tightened.

"You aren't losing me any time soon." Taehyung smiled back, pecking his forehead. "God, what did I do to deserve such an amazing boyfriend?"

Jungkook blushed, "I should be asking the same thing." The two smiled at each other and leaned in for a kiss under an ocean of stars.

And they kept their promise for years and years to come, soon sealing the deal and became a happily married couple. Jungkook's group became an instant hit after their first debut and they worked hard for every album they made. Taehyung would soon get his biggest dream met by being asked by Gucci to do a photoshoot as he became a model sensation.

But they weren't worried about the future. All that mattered at that moment was the person who made their life the best life they could ever ask for. The person who helped them become the better selves. The person they love no matter what.

A/N: Eeeeh was it cringy? Fluffy? Idk what to call it >w< I wanted to give a huge shout out to @Fakefangirl21 for being such an amazing reader. They voted on every chapter I posted and commented on so many as well. Thank you for being one of the reasons why I continued to write this fanfic and my others. ^_^

Secondly, I want to thank all you guys for such an amazing ride. This fanfic meant a lot to me and I am thankful for all the reads it got. I'm glad people read it and really do hope you enjoyed it.

On a brighter note, I'm working on a new Yoonmin fanfic but probably won't post it until Colored Love or Emojis is done. I don't want to be overworking myself with these fanfics and my classes. I hope you enjoyed once again and I'll hopefully see you around.

~ ArtisticWind

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