3 | School Starts

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Yoongi trudges off the school bus into the school with all the students flooding in. He decided to forget his bus ride here as he always has and goes to his locker.

"Hey, rat!" The kid who was sitting behind him called out to him. Yoongi sighed to himself, making sure to tune this out. He grabbed his books, ready to go just as his locker slammed closed in front of his face. He flinched back, but then calmed himself down. Just another day.

"Hey, I'm talkin' to you." The tall blonde said.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and started walking to class. "Yeah, you better run, ya rat! That's what they're good for, running away."

He angrily bit the inside of his cheek to stop him from saying anything as he walked to class. What good would come out of speaking up anyways? Yoongi was shorter than most of the classmates and not very strong; it wasn't like he could win a fight against them.

As he aggressively sat down at his desk he just sighed, praying for this day to go fast.

Class after class, Yoongi had lunch to deal with next. Food in hand, he saw an open table near the back of the cafeteria. Quickly taking it, he set his food down and started eating alone. After all these years, he kinda got used to it

"Um...May I sit here?" Yoongi heard in the mix of voices. He glances up to see a young, tall boy with black hair. He looked younger, maybe a sophomore.

He grunted as he looked back at his food so the kid took that as a yes. The boy was quiet as he ate his food. "I'm Jeon Jungkook." He lowly said later on.

Yoongi smiled a bit at the awkward kid as he finished the last of his food. "What's your name?" He then asked. No answer. Jungkook cocked his head to the side, "Oh, come on." He leaned his chin on his hand that was propped up on the table. "I told you my name. Please tell me yours!"

The two stayed silent as Yoongi tried to ignore the child. It wasn't like he was looking for a friend. He knew he'd leave him someday anyways, so what was the point? Still, he couldn't help himself. "Yoongi."

Jungkook's eyes widened as they sparkled with his bright smile, "Nice to meet you Yoongi-Hyung!"

Yoongi's corners of his mouth got pulled up on instinct, smiling at this new friend who seemed different than all the rest who tried to become friends with him just to leave him later.

"So happy to finally be friends with one of the seniors." Jungkook said quietly.

To this, Yoongi looked to him in confusion, "What do you mean?"

Jungkook looked up shocked, he obviously didn't want to say that out loud. "Oh! Um..." He shrunk back into his chair. "Not many seniors like me... They kinda...push me and stuff."

Yoongi flinched at the all-too-familiar feeling, "Yeah, they suck." He said, ending the conversation there. He didn't want to carry this any further so the two sat in peace until the end of the period.

"Hey, Hyung?"


"Can I...um...have your number?"

Yoongi looked at the child like he had two heads. "Why?"

"Well...I don't know...I kinda...wanna be friends?" The kid looked to him sheepishly. "I mean if you don't want to, that's fine. It was kinda dumb for me to ask. I-"

"Okay." He stopped Jungkook's rambling.

"R-really?!" His eyes sparkled once more. What the hell is wrong with this kid? He should be making fun of Yoongi, not be his friend.

He just nodded, putting out his hand, "Phone." He said after Jungkook looked to him in confusion.

"Oh!" He then realized, handing him his cell phone. Yoongi added his contact and he looked to it happily.

"Min Yoongi." He read, then looked up to Yoongi and smiled once more. "Glad to be your friend, Hyung!"

~ ~ ~ ~

A/N: Hey y'all! It's me again! So today I wasn't feeling too good so I was writing this as I laid in my bed. Hope it's good. >w< I hope you guys are enjoying this so far... It seems like not many people read it but don't worry! ^w^ I'm happy with however many people read it.

5/12/18 ~ Updated to fix all the spelling errors of Kookie's name >w<

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