27 | The After Date

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Yoongi and Jimin were cuddling on the couch, watching a movie. Okay, make it their second movie.

This one was a comedy and Yoongi couldn't get enough of Jimin's laugh and wished to hear it more. He was certain his laugh could cure any disease.

Yoongi sighs in content, feeling happy about how the day turned out. "Jimin?" he finally said.

"Hm?" Jimin hummed, not taking his eyes from the screen.

"I had a lot of fun, today." Yoongi said, intertwining their hands.

Jimin smiles at him, "I did too." He then put his head on Yoongi's shoulder. "Do you think Namjoon and Jin will get together?"

Yoongi wanted to be hopeful, but as it seemed of now, Namjoon was oblivious to his own feelings, "I'm not sure, Jimin."

"Is it weird that I want them to get together?" Jimin then asked.

Yoongi couldn't help but give out a little chuckle, "I think it just shows you want Namjoon to be happy. Isn't that what friends want?"

The two grew silent until Jimin sat up straight, "What if we set them up for a date or something to help them?" His eyes widened with excitement.

"We shouldn't rush them, Jimin." Yoongi smiled, knowing the boy's heart was in the right place, but Yoongi could understand Namjoon. Even though you feel the feelings, it doesn't help until you know what the feelings mean.

Yoongi went thru this with Jimin when he met him. Unlike others, Yoongi felt like he could open up a bit more to Jimin. He was easy to talk to and made him feel a lot better. Yoongi smiled remembering the first time the two got together and then laughed as he remembered Jimin demanding his phone number.

"What?" Jimin then asked, curious on the chuckle.

Yoongi shook his head with a small smile, "Just was remembering the time where you demanded my phone number."

Jimin smiled, "Oh, yeah!" He then laughed, making some butterflies flutter in Yoongi's stomach.

"Remember when we gave each other our sickness?" He then asked.

Yoongi shook remembering being sick, but couldn't help but smile when he remembered Jimin coming to help him feel better. "Yeah, you wanted to get the project done so fast that you got me sick with your sickness!"

Jimin looked a little hurt, which worried Yoongi. "Yeah... I'm sorry about that."

"Don't worry about it, Jimin."

The boy shook his head, "No, that's not really why I was apologizing."

That made Yoongi cock his head to the side as he was a bit confused. "I was apologizing for why I did that." Jimin looked up to Yoongi, "I was honestly scared of you."

This tugged at his heart and was hurt. How was he scary?

"I let the guys' words in my head of who you are even before giving you a chance."

"Jimin..." Yoongi put his hand up to Jimin's hair, running his fingers thru it. "Don't beat yourself over that... What matters is that you're here now." Yoongi smiles as Jimin smiles.

"I never took you as the romantic type." He smiles cheekly.

"Oh yeah?" Yoongi smiles, feeling a bit playful. Jimin brought a whole new side of Yoongi out. Usually, he was cold to humans since they were cold to him first...but, Jimin was different. He showed kindness the first day and Yoongi didn't take it. Jimin let Yoongi experience a relaxing side to himself.

He didn't have to put up any walls anymore. Jimin loved him for him. "Wanna see how romantic I can get?" Yoongi smirks.

Jimin shared his smirk, "Give it your best shot."

The two laugh as they connect lips. Yoongi then backed away, feeling his heart flutter as his cheeks heated up. Even though Jimin was helping him open up, it didn't mean he was comfortable with long kisses...or just kissing in general.

It was a weird feeling but strangely, Yoongi liked it.

"You ok?" Jimin asked, running circles with his thumb on Yoongi's hip.

Yoongi nods, "Sorry...just freaked out." He felt embarrassed really. This seemed like second nature to Jimin, but this was all new. Yoongi was used to being cold but Jimin made him feel warm.

Jimin smiles, "That's okay, we can stop if your uncomfortable..."

Yoongi broke down crying. Jimin was way too kind and caring. He was going slow for Yoongi's sake. "Y-Yoongi?" Jimin brought his hand up to cup Yoongi's face in worry.

"I-I'm sorry." Yoongi was surprising himself with the wave of emotions. He was thinking things he never knew he wanted to think. He saw that he needed more than he ever needed. He just wanted more.

"Shh... Hey! It's okay." Jimin said, running his thumb over his cheeks, wiping the tears that were falling.

Yoongi was never able to cry in front of people, but with Jimin he felt free to express his feelings.

"N-no it's not." Yoongi croaked out, more tears falling. "You're always doing things for my sake...I..." Yoongi looks up to Jimin.

The tears made his vision blurry but he continued, "L-let me do something for you..." His cheeks grew red.

"Yoongi...being with you's enough."

Those words hurt even more, "God damn it, Jimin. Just..." he gripped Jimin's shoulders roughly, "Come here." He connected their lips, setting off fireworks thru his entire body.

Yoongi has no idea where his sudden surge of confidence came from, but he harshly pushed his lips against Jimin as he pulled him closer. Jimin pushed himself to cut their kiss off.

"Yoongi, wait." He said, catching his breath that was going surprisingly fast. "You don't have to rush things."

"Jimin I-"

"I'm not finished." Jimin said, putting his finger on Yoongi's lips to stop him from continuing. "Yoongi, I don't care if we don't kiss enough, or if we don't hold hands enough, or not even say the words 'I love you'." Jimin then smiles, "All I care about is the time I spend with you. Each of those things I mentioned are like added bonuses. If we do kiss, then it's an added bonus."

Jimin sighed, knowing his words weren't coming out exactly as he wanted, but continued, "What I'm trying to say is I don't love the interactions..." He looks Yoongi in the eyes, making Yoongi's breath stop. "I love you."

Yoongi froze, trying to process each and every word Jimin spoke. He felt like an idiot... Jimin didn't want to kiss until Yoongi wanted to... in a sense, it meant more if the one on the receiving end wanted to kiss, or hug, or hold hands.

Yoongi laughed to himself as he looked to the ground in embarrassment. "Wow...." was all he could say. His heart was beating out of his chest. 

He knew what he had to say back though. So, he looked up to Jimin once more. The four words he knew was true, "I love you too." he smiled as he leaned in to connect his lips to Jimin's once more. Jimin meets him halfway and the two smile after they broke to embrace the other tightly. Yoongi never wanted to let the other go. Not now, not ever.

The two silently feel sleep silently take over as they fall asleep in the other's arms.

A/N: Hey guys! A small little bit of fluff for you. Hope you guys enjoyed it...

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