24 | The Non-Date

667 28 1

A/N: Wanted to say a quick thank you to you guys! Seriously thanks for all the votes!

Jin was nervous...Too nervous. Today he'll be meeting up with Namjoon at the Dunkin Donuts. He obviously couldn't believe he was doing this.

All week he had the boy stuck in his brain, from his beautiful eyes to his adorable smile. He could go on for days talking about his dimples.

In fact, he had Namjoon to blame for burning his hand two days ago while making pasta.

Jin sighed, checked himself in the mirror. He smiled to himself and practically skipped out of his apartment to drive to the donut place.

Until he stopped... He was maybe a bit too excited. It's not like this was a date... Was it?

Jin blushed thinking about dating Namjoon. 'Nonono Jin, calm down this isn't a date.'  But he found himself hoping it was.

He made it to the destination thirty minutes before they planned on meeting and went in.

He was surprised to see Namjoon ordering himself a coffee. The younger turned around to see Jin and smiled.

Oh god, those dimples. Jin smiled back, "Hey." Jin said.

"Hey, Jin! Glad you could make it. Go ahead and order. I'll be sitting over there." He pointed at an open table near the back.

Jin nodded with an 'ok' and ordered. He found himself happy that both of them were early but had to remind himself that this was not a date.

Getting his drink, he went to join Namjoon who looked up at him with another smile.

"Thank you for the recommendation, by the way. The chicken tasted amazing!" Namjoon said, taking a sip of his coffee.

"No problem. " Jin said. The two fell silent.

"So, how are your studies going?" Namjoon then asked.

"Fine, thank you. And you?"

Namjoon blushed a bit, making Jin's heart flutter, "It's going well although I'm not sure about the next math test coming up. I'm usually good with math, but Trig is confusing."

Jin nodded in agreement, "Yeah, totally. If it means anything, I could try to help?" Jin felt his cheeks get warm at the thought of spending more time with Namjoon.

Though, the boy shook his head, "No, you have your studies to worry about. I don't want to bother you."

"But you wouldn't. It's fine, Namjoon. We could study and I can show you how to cook other things..." What in the world was Jin doing?

Namjoon laughed, "It sounds like your asking me on an overnight date or something."

Jin felt his face heat up as his heart beat faster, but couldn't find a way to say no since he really did find himself liking Namjoon.

Namjoon caught this and then looked down, "Oh..." Namjoon said very softly, almost as a whisper.

Jin bit his lip, "I'm sorry..." but he wasn't sure why he was apologizing.

"I should be the one apologizing... I never meant for any of this to be a date." Namjoon's cheeks were dusted red with embarrassment as Jin felt his heart drop to his stomach.

Namjoon didn't feel the same way. Well, this was awkward. "So...this? What was this?" Jin almost felt like crying. He was mentally yelling at himself for being carried away.

Namjoon couldn't look Jin in the eyes, "I don't know... A get-together to get to know you better?" It looked like he was struggling to find the right words. "I don't know how to explain it, Jin..."

He then looked at Jin, "But something inside was telling me that I needed to get to know you better." Jin's heart started to beat once again.

Namjoon then smiled as he put his head down on his hand that was propped up by on the table. "I couldn't stop thinking about you...or today... or that day we bumped into each other. Jin, I couldn't get you out of my mind." He finally said as the two were silent.

Jin believes he understands. Namjoon is straight but is having strange feelings for Jin. He remembered how hard it was to understand what his sexuality was.

Jin bit his bottom lip once more before speaking. "Namjoon...I feel the same way." This makes Namjoon look back up at him. "I couldn't stop thinking about you... So much so that I burnt myself a few days ago." Jin laughed a bit at his own stupidity. "I think I understand and I want to apologize. I honestly should have asked what this was before guessing. If I made you uncomfortable,  then I apologize for that too. Heck, I didn't even ask you your sexuality."

Jin sighed, "So, I'm the one at fault here... Sorry."

Namjoon chuckled. "Your fine Jin... All of this is so new... I've never felt like this before." He ran his hand thru his hair, "It's honestly scary."

Jin nodded in understanding, "Namjoon that's perfectly fine. We'll go the pace your more comfortable. I was kinda rushing it... so sorry."

The two laughed and finished their coffees. "I will take you up on your offer, though. I seriously need help with trig."

"Sounds like a plan." So the two clean up their mess and Jin follows Namjoon back to his house for the boy to grab his stuff. Jin walks in to be met by a small but homey little house.

The two sit on Namjoon's floor as Jin goes thru the math with Namjoon. Jin realized the boy's actually really smart. Going to the next page of the book, his hand grazes Namjoon's hand resulting in both boys to blush.

"S-sorry." Jin muttered before going on. Being so close to Namjoon was a struggle. His scent almost had a hint of cinnamon that Jin found relaxing even though he was mentally dying by Namjoon's smile. The blonde's smile just made Jin feel so weak.

He glanced at his watch and noticed it was getting pretty late so he stood up, "Hey, Namjoon. I'm sorry but it's getting late. I really should head back to my apartment."

Namjoon nodded to this, "Sure. I hope we can do this again?"

Jin smiled, "I'd really like that." Jin couldn't wait for the next time to do this again. Feelings aside, Namjoon was a really awesome guy to be around. He was funny and just amazing. So, Jin and Namjoon give their phone numbers to the other and Jin heads out.

"Drive safely!" Namjoon then said at the door as Jin waived goodbye. He hoped to see Namjoon real soon.

A/N: Hey! Hope you liked this little cutesy chapter. I just realized watching some BTS videos that Namjoon actually might be taller than Jin? What are your takes? If he is taller I'll have to change the last chapter just a smidge...

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