17 | Can't Stop The Feelings

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Horror. Taehyung was looking in horror at the scene that he saw as he went to go check on Jungkook.

Seeing him being pinned down beneath Taehyung's friend broke him. Seeing his beaten up face when he got close after Hoseok left him.

Taehyung wanted to cry. He was the one who put Jungkook here. It was him who decided to be the bully and not the bullied. It was him who decided to lie about who he really was.

Giving Jungkook a piggyback ride home as he carried his bag in his hand. He felt Jungkook's face bury itself into his neck, making Taehyung's heart flutter. Feeling his hot breath against his neck almost gave him chills as he had to continue telling himself to just get home.

Just focus on that. "Thank you..." He then heard the younger whisper, almost forcing the tears that were already threatening to fall, out of his eyes. He didn't deserve a thank you. He didn't deserve the trust the other was giving. He didn't deserve this moment.

He got to his house, skilfully unlocking the front door and carefully dropped Jungkook on the couch.

Taehyung quickly ran to get band-aids and a rag. He then rushed to his freezer to grab a bag of frozen peas and then got back to the boy.

Even in his beaten beaten state, Jungkook still looked like perfection. Taehyung gulped nervously trying to push the butterflies in his stomach down.

Crouching down to eye level, he gently wiped over his soft lips with the rag, cleaning up the dried blood from his lips. Taehyung had a strange feeling of wanting to kiss those lips but decided against it as he carefully placed a band-aid on his cheek which somehow go a cut on it.

After bandaging up Jungkook, he handed him the frozen bag of peas. "For your eye," he simply said as he stood from his crouching position.

He then walked to the kitchen to grab two mugs. "Do you drink hot chocolate?"

Jungkook nodded with the bag of frozen peas on his eye. To this, Taehyung smiled as he made the two the hot drinks.

Sitting next to him, he set both mugs down on the table. "Want anything to eat?" He then asked, feeling slightly nervous.

"No, I'm ok." The younger simply stated, grabbing his mug and blew on it to make it cooler.

Taehyung studied the scene in front of him. He was sitting next to Jungkook, the cutest boy he's met with a swollen eye being covered by frozen peas.

"I'm sorry..." Taehyung said. He should've been the one being beaten up for so long. He's the one who deserved the punches. Just thinking that finally made him crack as tears started to fall down his cheeks.

To this, Jungkook set his mug down and turned his body on the couch so he could look at him. "For what? You saved me." He gave him a cute smile but it didn't help.

"I should be the one being beaten up. This is all my fault." He cried, trying to catch his breath thru his sobs.

Jungkook's face softened, wiping the tears away with his thumb, even though they kept flowing. "Look, you saved me back there. If you weren't there, I'd probably be worse."

Hearing that made it worse. If he didn't get anxious at the school doors and still waited, what would have happened? "It hurts to see you hurt. I'm the one who started this." He sobbed.

It was all so much but Taehyung looked up at the boy with blurry vision and finally understood everything.

He saw Jungkook as someone he couldn't be without. He wanted to protect him with everything he had, even if that meant giving up his own life.

Taehyung liked the boy's chocolate brown eyes, his adorable smile, how soft his hair looked; just Jungkook, in general, was the meaning of perfection.

His heart sped up, noticing the two of them both studies the other's features. Jungkook was the first to blush and look away in a flustered state.

He mentally added Jungkook's flustered emotion to his list of 'reasons to like Jungkook'. Taehyung bit his bottom lip.

"Jungkook?" He asked, as his tears finally dried up and his crying was finally done.

The younger looked to Taehyung. "Ye-"

Taehyung cut him off by connecting his lips to Jungkook's. Fireworks exploded in his stomach as his heart fluttered in the new feeling. He felt scared thinking Jungkook would push him away, but the opposite happened.

Jungkook gripped his sleeve near his shoulder and kissed back. He must have put the frozen peas down sometime as Taehyung brushed his hand against his cheek as the two broke and looked at the other in the eyes.

Jungkook's mouth was opened as his cheeks were dusted with a crimson color.

Taehyung looked away, "Sorry." He said, unsure really what he wanted to say.

"Why are you sorry?" Jungkook laughed, making Taehyung look up to the beautiful boy in front of him.

"For kissing you... I should've asked you if you-" he got stopped by a pair of lips on his. Fireworks went off throughout his body again as he wrapped his arms around the boy's waist as the younger draped his arms on top of Taehyung's shoulders. Jungkook got pulled on his lap to deepen the kiss as the two continued until they needed to breathe.

"Never apologize for kissing me, Tae." Jungkook smiled with his cheeks that now were red.

Taehyung's heart skipped a beat at the new nickname, forcing his lips to form a smile as he was finally happy. "Well then, Kookie... Can I ask to kiss you again?" He asked in a hopeful tone.

Jungkook laughed, "Yeah, but after you tell me what this is."

To this, Taehyung was confused, so he cocked his eyebrow "What do you mean?"

"What are we, Tae? Friends with benefits? Boyfriend? Just friends? I need to know."

It came crashing onto Taehyung that he actually never fully confessed to Jungkook and now understood the confusion. He laughed at his own stupidity and looked up at the boy who was still on his lap as he still had his arms around his waist.

"I like you, a lot, Kookie." Taehyung started, feeling his face heat up. "These last few days, I am so happy to be around you, you brighten my mornings and you just...make me so damn happy." Taehyung couldn't help but smile.

Jungkook blushed as he smiled as well, "I like you a lot too. I don't know why, but I feel like I want to get to know you more, and the last few days just chatting with you made me happy."

The two just smiled at the other as their faces were matching red. "Soo..." Taehyung started, feeling his heart race. "Kookie, will you be my boyfriend?" he asked as he took Jungkook's hand and interlocked his own with it.

Jungkook smiled brightly, making butterflies flutter in the mix of the parade going inside Taehyung's guts. "Yeah, I'd love to."

The newly pronounced boyfriends smiled as they leaned in to seal the deal with a kiss. Taehyung honestly could not be any happier.

A/N: Heeey! I bet you weren't thinking I'd double post! I honestly was writing last chapter and this one at work and I couldn't stop! My mind seriously continued the story line! I hope you guys are enjoying this!! Next chapter's gonna be a harsh one. Be prepared!

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