13 | Put On A Show

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A/N: Hey just a warning! This chapter is on the depressing side. For those who are a bit confused, this chapter will be in Taehyung's perspective of more-so what happened last chapter. It's a bit long so I hope you enjoy.

Taehyung locked his phone after he sent a chat to his new friend on Snapchat. He feared he might have freaked him out by saying he went to the same school since he hasn't heard from the guy for the whole day.

He looked at his mirror, fixing his blonde hair a bit and smiled to himself. Another day in misery. Taehyung really hated school. The only good thing about school was his friends. He always looked forward to lunchtime with the gang. Especially now with Jimin in the mix. Jimin was a great guy. Honestly, to Taehyung, Jimin became his best friend in a matter of days.

Ding. his phone lit up. Grabbing it, he looked to his chat.

I'm sorry...

Was the reply. Taehyung sighed in defeat. His curiosity was getting the best of him. Was it bad that he wanted to know the guy on the other side?

A slight bit of hope arose in Taehyung as he went to his bus stop.

Well, do you want to know who I am??

He was really hoping the answer would be yes. He sat in his normal seat to be joined soon by Jimin. Ding.

As tempting as that is, I think it'd be safe for us not to know.

What the hell did he mean by that?! Taehyung sighed once more, throwing his head against the seat.

"Dude, what's gotten into you?" Jimin laughed.

"Man, it's this guy! He doesn't want to tell me who he is."

"Well, that's weird." Jimin said, his eyebrows knitting, almost trying to figure out something. "Do you think it's because he's shy or something?"

Taehyung shrugged as they soon got to the school, "I don't know. I guess I just have to be patient."

Jimin nodded, "I wish you luck, man." And the two disperse to their lockers. Getting his stuff, he starts to walk to class and looks at his phone. What to send back... Ah!

Well, regardless I hope we can be friends.

He typed, smiling to it as he was about to send it until he knocked into someone. Taehyung turned around to look up from his phone and felt his heart drop. Great, not this kid.

He so happened to knock into Yoongi's friend, the one he has bullied since the first day. He sighed to himself, sent the message and pocketed his phone. 'Just put on a show, dude. Remember why you're doing this.'

"Look where you're going, punk!" Taehyung spat, pushing the black haired junior against the lockers. People around them murmured but soon laughed or just walked by. They always laugh at the bullied.

The junior hissed from the impact as his phone slid from his jacket pocket. Ding. It lit up showing it had a notification. 'Perfect.'

Taehyung snatched it before the other could get to it. "Awww does little junior here have a girlfriend or something?" he mocked, waving the phone in front of him.

The kid's eyes narrowed in anger as he tried to get the phone, but Taehyung retracted his arm further.

"Give it back." the kid said.

The power of being the one on top flowed thru Taehyung's veins as he looked to the phone and saw on the lock screen;

VGucci sent you a snap

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