26 | Triple Date

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Warning: This chapter gets a bit heated but there won't be any sex scenes. It's near the end. Enjoy~

Jungkook stared. That's all he could do. Was he dreaming? He saw Yoongi and Jimin holding hands.

This is a dream, right? Jungkook blinked a couple times, but the couple nervously blushed in front of Jungkook, Taehyung and Namjoon.

"You guys are dating?!" Taehyung yelled. The five of them were at Jimin's house for a get-together that both Jimin and Yoongi planned.

To have them both come out as gay and a couple was a surprise.

"Wow, hyungs! Congrats!" Jungkook smiled. He was so happy to see Yoongi be happy.

"Thanks guys." Jimin blushed as Yoongi stayed quiet.

"Hold on a second, when did this happen?" Namjoon then finally asked. Jungkook had to admit he was also curious on how this came to be. Both of them were shy and Jungkook couldn't see Yoongi be the one to confess first.

"It's kinda a long story." Jimin said with Yoongi nodding in agreement.

"We have all night." Taehyung said, leaning against Jungkook which in return blushed at the small interaction.

Jimin's face grew red, but Jungkook had an idea pop in his head, "Hold up... Why don't we go on a triple date?" Jungkook then asked.

Everyone looked at Jungkook differently. Taehyung was all for it, you could tell by the excitement in his eyes. Jimin and Yoongi were surprised and hesitant to accept. Then there was Namjoon who looked at Jungkook like he was from another planet.

"I'm sorry, triple date? Last thing I knew, I was single."

"Come on, hyung! You can bring that guy you bumped into the store with!" Jungkook exclaimed,  Taehyung nodding in agreement.

Namjoon sighed, pinches the bridge of his nose, "For the tenth time, I'm not dating Jin!"

"Sure, Namjoon...whatever you say." Taehyung giggles.

Taehyung and Jungkook work together to finally push him to call Jin. He grabs his phone.

"Fine, I'll ask. But he's in college he might not be able to come." So Namjoon leaves the living room as the two couples wait in silence. Jungkook decided to turn on the tv to drown out the silence until Namjoon comes out with shock on his face.

"So?" Taehyung asked.

"He... He said he will come." Everyone cheered as Namjoon just laughed at his friends. "Your acting like we just got married."

"You never know, hyung!' Jungkook smiled. They all waited for Jin to drive to Jimin's address while deciding where to go.

"How about Panda Express!" Taehyung then put out. The group all smiled since they knew the boy loved that place.

Jungkook laughed at his boyfriend's sudden outburst, "Sounds good to me." He tilts his head to lay on top of Taehyung's head.

"Okay sure. Panda Express it is." Jimin smiled as the two boys shout in excitement.

They then heard a knock at the door. Namjoon quickly sprung up from the floor and ran to the door.

The others all laughed at the nervous boy. 'He totally likes this guy.' Jungkook smiled. He was reminded of how nervous Jungkook was around Taehyung when he started opening up around the boy.

"Hey, welcome Jin." They heard Namjoon say as he walked the boy in.

Everyone looked to the boy who was practically Namjoon's height. Jimin's eyes sparkled when he noticed the boy's hair was pink.

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