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A/N: Hey, just a little warning. This chapter just kinda deals a bit with mental illness? I'm actually not sure how to explain it.  Just warning you about drama ahead. XP Idk, enjoy!

Days flew by as Yoongi's cuts fully healed, some of them scarred with his others, and Yoongi was finally let go.

He had a scheduled Psychologist later that week which he wasn't looking forward to. Jimin asked to come with, but Yoongi really didn't understand why. Though, he was happy to spend time with him.

Yoongi was getting used to Jimin being around and honestly didn't want to spend a minute without him.

Yoongi also was happy as his mom told him that she would file abuse paperwork and diverse papers with his dad.

They got home, and suddenly everything from Friday crashed into Yoongi's brain. He found his legs not able to move.

Sure, his mom said she was going to do paperwork, but what if the man was still in there? "Yoongi?" He heard, snapping him out of his gaze.

He looked over to Jimin who wore a worried expression. "You ok?" He asked.

Yoongi couldn't find his words, so he just looked at the ground, shook his head and tightly grasped the hem of his jacket.

Then, he felt something touch his hand. His heart sped up noticing it was Jimin's hand. Yoongi looked to Jimin in shock.

The pink-haired boy smiled sweetly at him, "You can do this." He said. Without a second thought, Yoongi took Jimin's hand and clutched it. He truly was scared.

Stepping into the house, he was questioning if it was really home. Everything was clean and somehow brighter. "Welcome home, Yoongi." His mom smiled, as she made her way to the kitchen.

Yoongi just looked wide-eyed at everything as Jimin pulled him to the bathroom. His legs stopped, events from Friday flashing before him.

He tightened his grip, unknowingly closing his eyes as he heard, "Don't leave me, please." It was as if he was there once again.

He desperately wanted to say something to Jimin, to tell him that he's ok...that he's sorry for hurting himself again...

"-gi?" He heard in the background. What? That wasn't what how he remembered the conversation going.

"Yoongi!" He heard, snapping his eyes open to the present as his heart raced and his breath was quick.

"Yoongi...." He then looked at Jimin and his breathing went back to normal. Jimin laughed, looking at their intertwined hands. "I might lose my hand soon."

Yoongi then looked down to see his hand to see that, in fact, his hand was gripping on to Jimin's small chubby hand. His face heated up as he quickly let go of it.

"Sorry." He found himself mutter as the two step into the bathroom. Yoongi saw everything so clearly but the bathroom looked cleaner than usual.

Jimin goes to the drawer where Yoongi puts his razor. "What are you-" he quickly stopped what he was going to ask to see him pull out the clean razor. He held it out in front on Yoongi, open palmed.

'What?' Was all Yoongi could think as he gave Jimin a very confused look. Jimin smiled to Yoongi, "Throw it away."

"What?" He found himself asking.

"You heard me, throw it away," Jimin repeated, putting the razor closer to Yoongi.

"Can't you do that?" Yoongi smiled in disbelief.

Jimin shook his head, "No, you have to."

Yoongi scoffed, "Why?"

Jimin sighed, "You're the one who wants to get better so you have to be the one who takes that initiative."

Yoongi swallowed, finding it hard to reach for the blade. He can't throw it away, what if he needs it. Yoongi looks up to Jimin, remembering the day Jimin scolded him about hurting himself. His mind traveling back to that day.

"Please don't resort to this." He remembers Jimin saying as he hugged him.

He then remembered how horrible he felt for letting Jimin down. He didn't realize, but he didn't just want to get better for him, he wanted to get better for Jimin.

With a shaky hand, he grabs the razor. Jimin's face lights up as he quickly grabs duct tape to put the razor blade in. Yoongi took in a shaky breath.

'Do it for Jimin.' He told himself but still found his hand not moving to the tape. Instead, he found himself just looking at the razor, asking himself how the hell he got here and how much pain the damn thing caused.

'Do it for you.' He then thought, carefully placing the razor in the tape, to then take the tape over to the trash. He hovered it over the bin hesitantly.

Feeling Jimin's hand on his shoulder, he somehow had the strength to let go of the blade. Jimin clapped, jumping in his spot, "Second hurdle done!" He exclaimed to then pull Yoongi into a hug.

Yoongi noticed he didn't mind getting hugs from Jimin. In fact, he loves them. His face softened as he accepted the hug and engulfed Jimin.

"Thank you Jimin." He smiled into Jimin's shoulder. Yoongi knew the road ahead of him was going to be rough, but for both his well being and for Jimin, he'll do it. He has to get better...for both of them to love him.

He remembered their conversation in the hospital, face heating up remembering them confessing their feelings. He wanted to ask Jimin out but knew he couldn't. Yoongi can't put Jimin thru dating a self-harm addict. Who knows if he'd even hurt Jimin.

The thought of doing so made Yoongi shutter, but he knew he couldn't sleep here alone. So, gathering all the courage in the world he looks at Jimin and asks one important question.

"Can...you sleep over?"

Who knew one question could change everything...

A/N: Hey! Hope this wasn't too bad. I was wondering if you guys wanted Yoongi's side of the story for Friday? I was planning on putting that next chapter, but if you guys think it isn't needed I don't have to... Thanks!

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