25 | Forever

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Warnings: This chapter gets deep into depression, self harm and mental breakdowns (with some fluff added in for good measure). Just a warning, it's not going to be written very well but I'll try my best! Thanks~

Yoongi opened his eyes slowly to observe his surroundings to find all he saw was black. He felt a weight on his body move slightly as he felt air blow thru his hair. His heart went into overdrive as last night played in his mind.

He was cuddling Jimin! Even though his heart was fluttering, he didn't want to move. Being in Jimin's arms made him feel so safe and-

Grrrr. Yoongi's stomach growled showing him he needed food. Yoongi cursed his body for needing food at this time as he tried to worm himself out of Jimin's tight embrace.

"Hmmm." Jimin hummed as he sturred a bit. Being a few inches away, Yoongi got to study Jimin's face. He couldn't help but stare at the boy's angelic face as he found himself smiling at the angel.

Somehow getting out of Jimin's hold, he finally went to the kitchen to find his mom putting pancakes on a plate.

"Good morning dear! How was last night?" she asked with a smile.

Everything felt different about this morning. It might be the fact his dad's looming figure wasn't there anymore to haunt them... or just the fact that he's starting to like each day. Being with Jimin helped him want to become better.

He mentally cursed at himself for cutting himself that night to the extent that he passed out. He promised himself he wouldn't do it for Jimin's sake, but he did it anyways...

"Dear?" his mom asked, worried.

"Yeah, last night was great. Thanks, mom." Yoongi sat down and started to eat as he heard small patters of feet trudging out to the kitchen. He glanced over at Jimin and couldn't help but laugh at how he looked.

His pink hair was a complete fluffy mess and his pajama shirt's one button was unbuttoned... Oh god, his collarbones. Yoongi quickly shook off the feeling and greeted him, "Morning."

"Mornin'..." he said softly as he planted his butt on another chair, rubbing his eyes. "Sorry if I overslept."

Yoongi shook his head, "No, I just woke up." The three of them ate their pancakes and his mom then got her stuff.

"I apologize hun, but I got a call this morning for work. Apparently, there's a huge issue with the journal entry that'll be posted. I got to go, okay?"

Yoongi nodded, waving goodbye as Jimin did the same. "See you, Mrs. Min!"

A stab in the heart. Min. The name his dad gave them... No matter how he looks at it, his dad was still with him. He was sitting across the table looking dead in Yoongi's eyes.

"Yoongi?" he heard, but couldn't stop staring into the snake eyes of his father.

"You'll never get rid of me." his father said, standing up with an evil smile.

"No!" Yoongi yelled, pushing out from the table making his chair topple over.

"Oh my god! Yoongi are you ok?!" Jimin ran over to Yoongi to help him up from the floor and set the chair back up.

Yoongi rubbed his head, "Yeah I'm fine." He put his hand down and saw blood.

He gagged, as he started seeing it all. Blood started to pour from his wounds, drowning his arms in red.

"Yoongi?" Jimin asked, but it didn't help. His breathing started to go faster.

I'm sorry Jimin. He found himself in the bathroom again, cutting his arms in pain... Just make the pain go away.

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