Throne Room

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While myself and two other servants clean the throne room, it has not escaped my attention that River and Nala are doing very little and are happily allowing me to do all the work by myself.

I hear their many unpleasant comments aimed towards me, but I do not care. I have dealt with hurtful words such as theirs my whole life.

The King soon enters and takes a seat upon his throne, wearing an impressive golden helmet with large horns. The clothing here is quite colourful and exquisite in comparison those worn on Jotunheim.

The others servants sniggers begin to annoy me greatly as I carry on with my duties, but they soon fade away once they have noticed the look of displeasure on the King's face.

Loki: "You two, here, now!"

They scarcely approach and kneel before him as he rises from the throne.

Loki: "What is it that you two seem to find so greatly amusing?"

River: "Nothing my King" her lips tremble with fear.

Nala: "It was simply a jest, my King".

Loki: "A jest you say? Well please entertain your King with this jest that had you idly standing by doing very little".

They remain knelt on the floor, barely able to choke back their sobs while I continue to polish thoroughly, not wishing to be in their position.

Loki: "Well!? Answer your King or you will both spend a week in the dungeons".

River: "We were remarking on the fact that Anya is not accustomed to our ways".

My interest is peaked, but I do not react to this.

Loki: "And this amuses you, why?"

Nala: "She was unaware of what ladies undergarments were when she first arrived here, my King" she sniggers to herself.

The King does not seem at all amused by her comments or either of their attitudes towards me.

Loki: "So making other servants do all of your work for you while you openly mock them is what passes for a jest these days? Perhaps losing a weeks wages will alter your sense of humour?"

They bow their heads in submission and the King pardons them from the throne room, leaving just he and I inside along with two guards.

I finally finish all the cleaning alone, almost wishing that he had made the other two servants at least stay and help me, but who am I to judge his rule?

As I go to exit the throne room myself, I am stopped when the King instructs the two guards to leave us. I am nervous when they close the doors behind them.

Loki: "Anya, may I speak with you for a moment?"

I place my cleaning supplies down next to the doors and turn towards him, quickly heading to foot of the golden steps and lowering myself down to my knees.

Me: "Yes, my King?"

Loki: "Why did you allow the other servants to mock you?"

Me: "My King?"

Loki: "Do not be so naive. I know you could hear what the other servants were saying about you".

Me: "What would you have me do? They were correct after all".

Loki: "So you would allow them make a fool out of you in front of your King?"

Me: "My mother told me that I should always treat people the way I wish to be treated myself. So I strive to treat people with kindness and understanding no matter how much they may not deserve it".

Loki: "You are an interesting little creature aren't you? My mother certainly seems to think so".

Me: "Your mother is very kind indeed".

Loki: "That she is. You are dismissed, Anya".

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