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The following morning, after spending the night at Darleen's home I overhear raised voices coming from downstairs. I go to investigate further only to hear the two mortals arguing in the diner over my presence here.

Hank: "She can't stay here, we don't even know who or what the hell she is!"

Darleen: "She's a sweet girl. I'm sure she's no trouble".

Hank: "No trouble? She lifted a guy three times her size up in the air like he weighed nothing! She's dangerous".

Darleen: "Those guys have had it coming for years and you know it. It's about time someone knocked them down a peg or two".

They do use the most peculiar phrases here.

Hank: "I want her out today, mom. I'm serious" he tells her and walks into the kitchen.

So it would appear that Hank is Darleen's son? Frankly I am not at all surprised he had taken a disliking towards me after what had happened.

It must have filled them with fear to witness me defeat a man of that size so easily. I was entirely unaware of how weak the mortals of the realm were.

After I return from the pawnbroker that Darleen had given me the directions to, I decide it is best to apologise to Hank for my less than savoury behaviour.

Me: "Hello".

Hank: "Hi" he replies coldly, appearing to be busy preparing food.

Me: "I wish to offer my sincerest apologies for last night".

Hank: "You know, this is a small town so we don't exactly get much business in here as it is".

Me: "And you believe that my temper may have sullied your reputation?"

Hank: "Well yeah? Once word gets out there's a crazy woman hanging round here beating up the customers we won't have any left".

Me: "I desire to offer you compensation for my unpleasant behaviour".

I hand him some of the Earthly currency that I had just received in exchange for a few of the gold coins I had brought with me.

Hank: "Jeez, lady! How much is this?"

Me: "I believe the man informed me that this was five thousand dollars. Will that be enough to compensate you for all the trouble I have caused?"

Hank: "I can't take this!"

Me: "Is it not enough?"

Hank: "This is way too much!"

Me: "Your mother showed me kindness and I behaved inappropriately. I have angered you so I will also be seeking other lodgings today before I upset you any further".

Hank: "You don't have to do that" he sighs.

Me: "Do what?"

Hank: "You don't have to leave".

Me: "Truly?"

Hank: "We've actually been looking to hire a new waitress so my mom doesn't have to work as much. I can't run this place alone and I suppose it wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing to have someone around who can handle herself if anymore troublemakers come in".

Me: "Oh my goodness, thank you! But I insist you take this by way of an apology".

Hank: "Fine. I'll send my mom out to get you a uniform and you can start first thing tomorrow" he smiles.

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