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As we walk through the streets together, I notice that all the people of Asgard seem more than interested in who the King is escorting today.

It is me, a simple palace servant, yet my current appearance clearly leads them to believe otherwise.

Me: "They are staring at us, Loki. We should go back".

Loki: "Believe me, Valanya, they are only staring at you".

Me: "Why?"

Loki: "A true beauty such as yours is rarely seen. They must believe you to be a princess from another world in search of an eligible suitor".

Me: "Do you often get many princesses here attempting to court you?"

Loki: "On occasion, but none I have ever deemed a suitable match".

Me: "And what would the King of Asgard deem suitable?"

Loki: "Someone who has more between their ears than air, as you said yourself" he laughs.

Me: "Perhaps one day a princess shall arrive here that will challenge you intellectually, rather than merely stimulate you physically?"

He laughs at my comment and takes my arm as we continue to walk through the streets, when a pretty young girl runs over to us and begins tugging on the King's sleeve.

Loki: "Yes, little one?"

Girl: "A gift for the princess".

She places a delicate golden necklace in his hand and runs away giddily, back towards her parents.

Loki: "That was rather sweet of her".

Me: "It was".

Loki: "May I?"

He instructs me to turn away and I comply. As I raise my hair out of the way, I feel the King's fingers delicately caress my skin while he places the necklace around my neck and fastens it.

I allow my hair to fall back down and I turn back to face him while he admires the necklace that now rests against my skin.

Loki: "Beautiful. Shall we go to dinner?"

Me: "Back at the palace?"

Loki: "No, that would draw too much attention and people would ask questions. There is a wonderful place nearby where they serve the most delicious cakes you have ever tasted".

Me: "I have never tasted cake".

Loki: "Of course. How foolish of me".

We arrive at the cafe and are escorted to a table in a private outdoor area that is clearly reserved for the King's visits.

After eating our dinner, a large selection of delectable looking treats are wheeled out for us to choose from and we are left alone once more.

Loki: "Which would you like to try?"

Me: "Which one is your favourite?"

Loki: "I love all cakes, but this one is my favourite".

I take a small bite of the one he has selected for me and instantly melt into my seat. The taste is so rich and sweet on my tongue.

Loki: "Good, yes?"

Me: "What do they call this?"

Loki: "Chocolate cake".

Me: "If I were given the choice to taste only one thing until the end of time, I would most certainly choose this".

Loki: "You would not tire of it?" he laughs.

Me: "Never! I would gladly have it for breakfast, lunch and dinner" I reply sincerely.

The King rests his elbows on the table and places his hands under his chin as he watches me happily consume the entire piece of cake.

Me: "Thank you for this experience, Loki. I will never forget it".

Loki: "Perhaps we could do this again some day?"

Me: "Perhaps, but only if the King of Asgard kindly allows it".

Loki: "I am certain he would".

Servant of JotunheimWhere stories live. Discover now