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Upon finally reaching the palace, we make our way to the healing room. The healers tend to the many cuts and bruises that now cover my body, while King Agnarr is taken away to receive far more serious treatment for his wound.

Am I to believe that this stranger who I had only met mere hours ago by coincidence was truly my father, or perhaps simply another King with an ulterior motive?

Loki: "My love, what happened?" he asks after bursting through the doors.

Me: "It would appear that you were right to worry".

He inspects some of my more visible bruises and quickly notices my torn dress that I had been attempting to conceal with a blanket.

Loki: "Did he...did he touch you?"

Me: "He tried to".

I begin to cry at the realisation that, if not for King Agnarr's unexpected intervention up there on the mountains, my fate would have undoubtedly been far worse.

Loki: "How did this happen?"

I go through every detail of the nights events, up until arriving back here at the palace with King Agnarr.

Loki: "Do you believe he is your father?"

Me: "I honestly do not know what to believe. I suppose only my mother knew the truth and it died along with her" I sigh.

Loki: "Valanya, there is something I must tell you. After you left my chambers, I made the decision to travel to Jotunheim".

Me: "Why would you do such a thing? They believe you killed Helbindi, you fool".

Loki: "I know, but I wanted to give you the answers you needed".

Me: "You spoke with Surt?"

Loki: "I did and he let me in on a number of secrets, some of which you appear to have discovered in my absence".

Me: "What other secrets could there possibly be?"

Loki: "It would appear that you have an enchantment over you, one which is obstructing your memories from when you were a child".

Me: "No, that cannot be true? I remember everything".

Loki: "Yet not all of it is real".

Me: "Why would someone want to create false memories in my mind?"

Loki: "To keep you shielded from the truth".

Me: "What truth?"

Loki: "King Naris returned when you were a child and took your mother from Jotunheim".

Me: "No, my mother is dead, Surt murdered her. I saw her die with my own eyes, Loki".

Loki: "That never happened" he reassures me.

Me: "So what are you saying? She may still be alive somewhere? Where is she?"

Loki: "I do not know. Thor and I are travelling to Svartalfheim at first light in search of the truth".

Me: "I killed King Naris",

Loki: "You did what you had to".

Me: "I could not bare the thought of you believing that I was still angry with you if something were to have happened. This was entirely my fault".

Loki: "Do not say that. If it were not for these events, then all of these long buried secrets would have remained hidden".

Me: "Do you believe there may be a chance that she is still alive?"

Loki: "There is only one way to find out, my love".

Me: "I want to come with you".

Loki: "Absolutely not. You need to rest and allow me to do this for you".


The morning arrives. Loki, accompanied by Thor, Lady Sif and the warriors three are sent to Svartalfheim through the Bifrost.

Upon entering the palace, they soon realise that this place was far less grand and opulent than King Naris had boasted over the years.

It was damp, dark, ill kept and cold inside while they continue to venture through the halls.

Lady Sif comes across a lone guard that willingly guides them to the dungeons locked entrance, which Thor proceeds to break down with ease.

Lady Sif and the warriors three make quick work of releasing the many prisoners within, all of which they soon notice are women.

Thor breaks open one of the final remaining cell doors and finds a sight inside that shocks him to his very core.

Thor: "Princess Dahlia?"

Dahlia: "Another one of your tricks father? Giving me false hopes of rescue with a glamour?" she laughs as though she were on the verge of madness.

Thor: "This is no trick, princess. Loki, help me remove these chains".

Dahlia: "He will kill you both for this".

Thor: "Is your father the one who had you locked down here?"

Dahlia: "Yes, after I told him that I no longer wished to continue pursuing suitors in other realms, and that I wished to inherit the throne of Svartalfheim instead".

Thor: "He would not have taken that well".

Dahlia: "He has been obsessed with Princess Valanya for years. I tried in vane to get him to stop, but he would not. He was adamant that when she returned, he would take her for himself so she could give him a male heir".

Loki: "He did not get the opportunity. Your father is dead".

Dahlia: "He truly deserved his fate".

Loki: "Are you aware of another princess being kept down here?"

Dahlia: "No, although that cell at the end is often guarded. The prisoner in there is known for attempting to escape".

Loki: "Take her out of here while I check the final cell".

Loki knocks on the cell door, but receives no answer from whoever is imprisoned inside it. With the use of magic, he unlocks it and finds a woman in the corner, cowering at the sight of a him entering.

Loki: "Princess Azalea?"

Azalea: "Who are you? Has he sent you down here to kill me?"

Loki: "My name is Loki Odinson of Asgard. Our mother's were cousins".

Azalea: "You are Frigga's youngest son? What are you doing here?"

Loki: "I came here on behalf of someone rather important to me".

Azalea: "Naris will find me. You must go now before he returns".

Loki: "Naris is very much dead and you are safe now. We have come here to set all of his prisoners free".

Azalea: "Then I must return to Jotunheim at once!"

He immediately notices how frail and weak she is when she struggles to even pick herself up off of the ground without his assistance.

Loki: "You will no longer find her on Jotunheim, Princess Azalea. Your daughter awaits your arrival on Asgard".

Azalea: "You know of my daughter? How is that possible?"

Loki: "As I said before, she is rather important to me" he smiles.

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